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  1. 39 druid balance spec

    has anyone here tried this? it sounds liek it could be pretty fun. I just bought a +arcane staff and ut sunfire on it for starfire dmg. And I have a SoJ w/ +40 spell power on it.
  2. Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

    I just bought 15 librams from a player wow was quitting for about 200g for all. I got- 2x 100HP 2x 8agi 1x spirit 3x intellect 1x haste rating 1x 150 mana 1x the armor one and 1x spell dmg
  3. Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

    Has anyone ever thought if this patch comes out a little bit earlier and it becomes a huge APRIL FOOLS!?! But seriously, I like it with the ZG enchants/BOA's, Naxx, and Porfessions getting nerfed but the leg armor I mean, come on! I just bought a pair of necro legs and put some runic spellthread...
  4. Question regarding the..

    Sorry 'Rip', but me being at school and being blocked by filters enables my possiblity to search that up. I know I could've waited until I got home but I didn't want to.
  5. Adventures of a Noob - Levels 9 and 10

    This is great. I seriously laughed so hard when I was in my school library while reading this.. Everyone started to stare, lol.
  6. Wintergrasp Twink??

    This sounds pretty fun. I mean, about on avg. how many Wg's would you need to do or participate in to obtain enough honor for your battlestandard?
  7. Question regarding the..

    ...Violet Hat. I've seen a few twinks wearing one, I guess for the looks, but I don't exactly know how to get them. Are they a quest or a drop? Are they BoE vendor bought, or crafted. Any information on how to obtain this and/or get it would be great! So for the future, thanks for the replies...
  8. Can I get a armory

    Of a full ap hunter?
  9. Any tips to stop a turtle?

    I was in a turtle the other day. My team was: 2 shamans 3 hunters 1 warrior 2 pallys 1 druid 1 mage The other team was: 4 priests 1 druid 3 pallys 2 hunters all the other team was on D in a turtle and my team had only 2 level 19's so it was pretty intense...
  10. 1-19 caster leveling gear.

    Sweet! Gratz on the quick leveling. And I think that the enchants you have right now are pretty good. But I have a question, how do you get the Violet Hat? Thanks..
  11. WTB LoTV, GoHM, Ogron's, etc

    No, i'm sorry I do not have neither of those two but i'll keep a look out in the Ah and maybe in the near future we could set up a trade or something.
  12. Nightfall Bg, or Gnomeregan

    I have a few twinks on BB in the cyclone bg but I recently wanted to start all over when I bought WotLK and made a DK main who is currently level 61 (lol started about a day ago). I am thinking of twinking out a 19 twink and a 39 twink over here and just wanted to know if anyone here is from the...
  13. Necro Legs

    I just bought a pair of these off the AH and I was wondering if these or a pair of 12/12 (stam/int) are better for an elemental shaman or a balance druid? Thanks for the replies.
  14. Deviate Scale Belt change

    Nice! Thanks for the update. I think I might've over looked this before, but thanks!
  15. 39 Rogue Question

    Would 2x Scarlet Kris' of the tiger (perfect). be any good for 2 wepaons?
  16. WTB LoTV, GoHM, Ogron's, etc

    Define "Pugilists's" and What are "Crushridges"?
  17. WTB LoTV, GoHM, Ogron's, etc

    I have Gloves of Holy Might with a +26ap enchant on it. Gnomregan Server.
  18. WTS/WTT Ginn'su Sword, Kilrogg (US)

    I know it says that you're not transferring but I'll buy the +shadow dagger and the shadowfang for 500g and the sword but you transfer to me..
  19. WTS Glowing Brightwood Staff (+43 spellpower grandfathered)

    I have about 1k gold, I can trade you another glowing brightwood staff (not enchanted) and a Green Tower Shield w/ a +18 sta enchant on it?
  20. Uhhmm wtf.

    This is incorrect information. Like side up top, if you have a hard time getting the new current patch notes, don't believe these ones.