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  1. Good-Bye (story inside)

    Hello, Most of you might not know me. Some do. I'm atotem from bronzebeard. Ex- Co GM of Warsong Warriors. Legendary guild. Exorcism was my friend. I have not been online for quite some time due to work, college, girlfriends, and the army. This is my good bye post because I am leaving the...
  2. Your new Ogre Pally Healer is here!

    hahaha you suckie!
  3. Panino - 19 shaman

    Nice! toooooooooooooo sssssssssshhhhoooooorrrttttttt.
  4. Proffesions, HMMMMM?

    Skinning + Herb. Extra Crit and HoT > 70more hps and HoT
  5. Exalted with silverwing

    By the way you make it sound.. it could be quite possible.
  6. 39 Enhance Shaman

    Well I'll keep a look out for some cheap basillisk pants and the hat but until I'll keep what I have picked out. I might as well also grab a pair of the quest triprunners pants too. As for JC I will be having a elemental set as well so I will need to have engineering and Jc. or I'll drop JC...
  7. 39 Enhance Shaman

    Belt- you're not gonna change my mind, sorry. Leg- I have the warcheif kilt and I am not willing to spend 200+ gold on 40 more hp and a few crit Hat- I don't want to. And it is not free as I am wasting my time farming for something tha tI see worthless to me.
  8. 39 Enhance Shaman

    If i can find monkey shoulders or get them to drop, then alright. I like the +ap because I already have them enchanted to the wrists. I checked and the Ab belt gives me better stats imo, AB( +16 AP but -.21% crit) > Ogron's (-16 ap but +.21% crit). i get more AP but lose 1% crit with my...
  9. WTT for SpellShock

    I have a pair of spellshocks, they dropped last night for me and a friend. he rolled a 55 and I rolled a 41 but since his accoutn is getting shut off soon he gave it to me.
  10. wtf WoW forums?

    Like the above have stated, If you have an active account but you are unable to post on the forums (or even log in) then your account must be banned. But if you currently do not have an active account then you're unable to post.
  11. 39 Enhance Shaman Is this a good armor set up?
  12. 39 Paladin

    What's the next best weapon for a 39 paladin, 2hander? I know PoD will be hard to find so whats the next best thing? Also next to LotV, whats the next best thing?
  13. Check me out

    @ Bansil This isn't Atwink's setup. This is a friends of mine, at school.
  14. Check me out

    Head- Green Tinted Goggles +8 agi Neck- Pvp neck Shoulders- BOA w/ Zg enchant Cloak- Glowing Lizard Scale Cloak Chest- Blackened Defais Armor +100hp Wrists- Forest Leather Bracers +9 sta Hands- Gloves of the Fang +15 agi Belt- Deviate Scale Belt Pants- Dark Leather Pants...
  15. Other glove choices (mage)

    Right now your current gloves are fine until you get the eagle or healign gloves (you didn't say which kind you wanted), and I would get a cheap spell damage enchant on them to hold you off until the gloves you want drop.
  16. Vendetta - Useless in 3.1?

    The Vendetta is still a good weapon choice. I suggest, liek other have stated, to not use instant but instead use double crippling. Good luck with the chocie you make,
  17. The leg chants.

    That would be the best option.
  18. WTS Shadowfang, LotV, & Silvershells

    I'll be online this comign weekend. Just transfer to me and it's all yours.
  19. The leg chants.

    Just do what you want to do. If you want to drop gold on a leg patch that after 3.1 has a highly risked chance of dissappearing then do it. Otherwise, just what until patch 3.1 comes out and save your gold.
  20. Gigantic Heal for 19 FC

    Unless you're wayyy too powerful to even need to keybind "oh shit" buttons. /points tooo.... ... ..someone other than me 8(