Search results

  1. EU WTS - Compendium of Items

    WTS - Compendium of Items Outland - Horde 10 - 19 Redbeard Crest. Scouting Gloves of the Tiger. (+4, +4) Sentry Cloak. Silver-linked Footguards. Staff of the Blessed Seer. Thorbia’s Gauntlets. Tree Bark Jacket. Twisted Chanter’s Staff. 20 - 29 Beguiler Robes. Brawler Gloves. The...
  2. US WTB LotV, Robe of the Magi, Necro Leggings.

    1 - EU or US? My bad - you've said US. 2 - What server? 3 - Horde or alliance? :E Drayner, please make some rules? :'< Edit: Love you Drayner! :p
  3. EU WTS Silvershell Leggings.

    WTS Silvershell Leggings. I have them on Wildhammer, Horde side. I'm not willing to transfer, so you'd have to transfer to collect. Start bidding. =)
  4. WTS Spellshock Leggings! is the thread. It amazes me how this guy couldn't a few extra seconds to copy/paste the link here.
  5. Which 2-hander for ret pally?

    I'm too lazy to go on WoWHead and about to do some washing up. Does Cobalt Crusher's attack not have an internal cooldown (45s?)? And also, does the proc put a slowing effect on the target (similar to frostbolt)?
  6. Which 2-hander for ret pally?

    Go for Corpsemaker or BaR. Ignore any comments that say "xx is best for a warrior, so I'd say xx is best for a ret pala". It's not true. Listen to the people who have been talking about SoC's ppm shit. I twinked 29 for 5 weeks with a Corpsemaker, simply because I was too lazy to get a BaR since...
  7. Wtb & wts

    How much you paying? :p
  8. Wtb & wts

    Explain the random niceness. i don't get it. =(
  9. WTB Pendulum of Doom

    So you'd think.
  10. US WTB Silvershell Leggings, Mok'Nathal

    He's on the US realms and he does say that. :p
  11. EU WTB Tree Bark Jacket | EU

    How much you offering?
  12. WTS Gloves of Holy Might

    EU/US? *cries at people who don't state this by default*
  13. WTB Of Power 39 Greens (leather)

    EU or US? Please make rules forcing peopleto listen to them!
  14. WTB lvl 39 Ret Paladin Guide

    I've got perfect gear on my pally. I'll link to my armory tomorrow or Monday (I'm 95% through 39), so I won't link until then. :p I would do it tonight, but I won't get a chance to play tonight and I'll inform you of what the best glyphs are too. After around a week or so, I might wrote a proper...
  15. WTB Pendulum of Doom

    Mwhahaha, I have an unbound PoD in my bags. No chance in hell I'm selling though. *licks*
  16. My heart stopped for a moment

    If you really wanna turn this into a "I got the best deal thread, let's do it! My two best are: Gloves of Holy Might - 22g. Chan's Imperial Robes - 17g.
  17. Tabard of the Explorer

    Maybe you could tell us the settings you use for that net limited thing to aid the rest of us? ;p
  18. Tabard of the Explorer

    How did you get to the flying areas i.e. Icecrown, Storm Peaks?
  19. Selling perf Green Lens of Stamina (on Stonemaul)

    How much stamina is gained from the bonus? 25?
  20. EU WTB PoD

    I sent a mail over there to Zeveron, awaiting a reply. :p When you looking to sell it by? And curiously, why haven't you sold to that guy offering 7k?