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  1. tink nation verse extinct

    Anyone know what time this is New Zealand time?
  2. New Random Rewards!?!

    Of the wild got changed to +5Agi +3 Stam +5 Haste
  3. My suggested changes.

    Yeah i posted that list into Kore's 19 changes thread a while back, but no1 replied so i thought i would try here.
  4. My suggested changes.

    Shaman Lava Last Damage increased by 20% Ancestral Swiftness 1 Talent point Healing Surge at level 16 Stoneclaw totem level 12 Call of flame 1 point talent Totemic focus 1 point talent Priest Psychic Scream duration scales with level up to 30 PWS Reduced shield absorption reduce...
  5. My suggested changes.

    I will probably write up an explanation of reasons for the changes and what each change will fix, however i would like some feedback before i bother posting on the WoW forums. Hunter Disengage or Scattershot shifted to level 20 Agility needs to give less crit Cooldown of Concussive Shot...
  6. WTB 19 Druid.

    Looking to buy or trade for an account with a level 19 druid. Must have aquarius belt, any other grandfathered items are just a bonus. Willing to trade my WoW, LoL and/or DDO accounts.Wow account has 80warrior 80druid 78DK 70pally 19druid 19shaman, League of Legends account is level 30 with lots...
  7. 19 warrior questions

    Hi ive decided to do some testing on my new warrior twink as to hardcapping hit rating for white attacks will work well with dual crusader. My item build has come down to a choice of Cruel Barb and Dividend Leggings or Razor's Edge and Deerstalker Leggings Also would the expertise on...
  8. Warrior gear questions.

    Also how do the BoA swords compare to the blue sword i currently have? And the item Ironpatch Sword as opposed to Razor's Edge for OH?
  9. Warrior gear questions.

    I recently rolled a troll warrior and would like some critique on my gearset. Polished Helm of Valor Scout's Medallion Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons Tumultuous Cloak of the Soldier Stained Shadowcraft Tunic Bracers of the Most Trusted Thorbia's Gauntlets Earthbound Girdle of the...
  10. Gold Transfer

    Need to find someone to help me get gold on Cyclone or Ruin battlegroup without transfering.Ill pay u 5kgold on US Dathremar (Bloodlust Battlegroup) in exchange for 4k on Cyclone or Ruin.:D
  11. WTS WoW Acc, damn cheap

    200 $200 US is enough?
  12. Call to 39's

    transfering I will be transfering my 39twink Resto shaman to Cyclone soon.Just wondering where the horde premade guilds are located?
  13. WTS Nightblade Dath'Remar Horde

    Mail me ingame if interested.Name:Cohnyn.200 gold asking price.
  14. 39 elemental shaman

    can ne1 plz give me a list of the best 39twink elemental gear set and enchants.
  15. @Kaanaa

    yeah atm im in a battleground ive been in for the last 2 hours.We have had 4 seperate debuffs and horde is winning 2-1(i got both caps).I have just beat my personal best damage and have got damage control.:D
  16. @Kaanaa

    i just thought it was a coincidance the first time i come onto the forums it just so happens ur in the same WSG turtle as me.
  17. @Kaanaa

    Kaanaa would u happen to be that really good FR 39twnk female draenai paladin from bloodlust?