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  1. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    I am obviously irritated by it. As I stated, most of the games lost are 2-0 till the Horde cheese and retake the game. Double it down when I can't decide if some of these forum posters are trolling, or legit think WoW put these jump exploits in as actual intentions.
  2. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    I don't see any difference between getting out of bounds, and out of bounds, but in a visible way still. You're splitting hairs and its boring. All you guys repeat is, L2P. How about you guys learn how to play by Blizz's rules? Instead of getting butt hurt at the messenger. You think out...
  3. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    Other points outside of "yOu mUSt bE a kEYbOarD TurNr" were made so I felt it was a valid time to respond. Plus why not?
  4. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    By your logic, everyone can still get out of bounds. Those are jumps we can all make still. I do agree though. Blizz has made the Tunnel jumps clear. Hence the warnings being sent out. Thanks for agreeing on this point : ) Lastly, being forced into melee range on the Tunnel roof isn't fair to...
  5. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    It is clear that these terrain exploits and safe zones are not intended, whether you choose to see it that away or not. This is just silly. I'm personally done talking about it. I've made my point, people are being properly reported, and Blizz is warning people not to do so. Exploit at your on...
  6. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    I've just ran into so many people that defend the jumps as not actual rule breaking and it's frustrating being debated on fact. (This forum included). Solo queuing I lost 5 matches 2 days ago with a 2 - 0 lead. But the Horde get desperate, cheese and retake the game. And as a Hunter, I am left...
  7. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    I provided GMs response from Blizzard. Which wasn't really needed as the opening to this was already a response from Blizzard warning of this behavior in the first place. What other thought's is there to have on the subject? Unless this is a forum to complain that Blizz has rules against this...
  8. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    I twinked back in TBC, on a toon named TwinkMike. I believe he is level 20 now, something about the Cata expansion leveled him up to 20. It wasn't the best twink, but I was like... 16 or 17 at the time. I was even once told back then to get down from a jump exploit. But that being so long ago, I...
  9. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    You got mad that I report jump exploits and called me a keyboard turner, with the worst grammar in this forum and think you are good at trash talk? Do you even understand these forums are for discussing topics around the idea of twinking? Or... are you so bad at everything, you resort to...
  10. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    You do have to jump to get into the mid level tunnel roof. It is LoSed. As a hunter you have to melee once you are up there. This takes the FC away from everyone not in the position to get up or anyone uneducated on the exploit. It is cheating regardless of anything stated here anyways. Luckily...
  11. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    I'm not talking premades. You can easily get a team that doesn't know the jumps. It ruins the game, it's not fun and it's not fair. None of that matters though anyways. Blizz said it's a reportable exploit. So do what you want, but many of us are just going to report away.
  12. Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    When a Priest jumps up and 90% of your team doesn't know how to jump up top of tunnel roof, it is cheating. What are you to do if your not the right class? A hunter is never going to melee down a Priest. The roof is LoS if you hunker back and this is a clear exploit. I report it every time I see...
  13. Best Hunter Pet Food At 19

    So I've been WPvPing a lot, and while it is likely going to slow once BGs are out, I still plan to have some fun out in the open world. Nothing quite like surprising a lv 40 who thought you would be a quick gank :P In doing so, I've had 2 scares where my pet dropped into the Red Zone of...
  14. 10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Hunter Guide

    I really wish I would have made an account here sooner. You guys are so on top of this stuff. I personally went VenomStrike and it does proc a ton. I didn't mean to open a can of worms here though. I just thought that some things could use a mention to some of us less informed readers. The...
  15. 10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Hunter Guide

    I didn't know there was a debate on BiS ranged weapon. Interesting. To bad The Night Watch quest kinda commits you to what you chose at the time or this would be interesting to play with.
  16. 10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Hunter Guide

    Great guide, was such a help getting back into Classic and twinking. I thought there was a few things that it could have added. A blurb on consumables, what ones you should have, and others that you might want to go out of your way for, consumed on use items. A mention of First Aid, luckily that...