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  1. Moropi

    Currently Listening To...

  2. Moropi

    sorry, huge thunderstorm is above me atm.

    sorry, huge thunderstorm is above me atm.
  3. Moropi

    More Legion News

    o-k, hope that this also applies to the p2p/b2p as well. seeing how this is going to be fun reset for all of us.
  4. getting Faded Wizard Hat

    getting Faded Wizard Hat

    a little (long) tutorial to get the fabled wizard toy.
  5. Moropi

    Expansion After Legion

    they technically do, but they're more for to cater to the little mice than the big elephant in the room. such of a lifespan of a game that tries to please everyone (even though you can't please everyone equally, that's just an impossibility).
  6. Moropi

    Expansion After Legion

    ... can't be as bad as listening to crendor's expansion ideas.
  7. Moropi

    legion release date.

    ... welp, hope that this game doesn't turn into a ftp game at this rate. i'd personally would rather see this game as a b2p instead if the time comes for activation to change their gears.
  8. Moropi

    All in this together

    ok, i'll join. but if this turns out to be like lovecraft predicted, then it's a nope. btw, if anyone doesn't know what lovecraft is ...
  9. Moropi

    All in this together

  10. Moropi

    EU+US Biggest Noob U ever saw...

    ... never have i'd seen more elfs on alli than horde. curse those nelfs that can turn into dryads!
  11. Daltert's return

    Daltert's return

    Managed to get Daltert back into battlegrounds, now to get Moropi back...
  12. Moropi

    "Legion Garrisons" are comming?!?!?!?!?

    I so called it when I saw the legion expansion on blizzard's big reveal back in August and now we've got proof of it. we're done, we're _______ done.
  13. Moropi

    US What would you tell your tinking self 4 years ago?

    make good choices with picking classes, don't delete that lvl 25 forsaken, and don't REPEAT DON'T go to Uldum.
  14. Moropi

    US I don't think I've ever seen this before

    seen it once and a while back in the day when cata bgs where hard to come by bc your either warsong(horde usually wins) and ab (ally usually wins). the last time I've seen it was when there was only me and another person was the only ones in a 24 premade for 7 minutes. those were the days.
  15. Moropi

    Legion News: New BG Potions

    looks like those potty mouth stealthers that likes to talk poorly at their teammates near reclusive areas of the map are finally getting that long overdue karma in leg.
  16. Moropi

    ok thanks

    ok thanks
  17. Moropi

    ... so do I need to go a head and post once more to get rid of it or what?

    ... so do I need to go a head and post once more to get rid of it or what?
  18. Moropi

    dub question, how come I see "don't post any links until you have 3 posts or more" on my page?

    dub question, how come I see "don't post any links until you have 3 posts or more" on my page?
  19. Moropi

    EU+US Bug Making F2Ps into Full Accounts

    meh, i'd rather be safe then sorry to have moropi locked than unlocked bgs. guess ya won't be seeing this character in battlegrounds anymore. :( but compared to most people here; I find to have more joy playing this game in pve than pvp anyways.
  20. r.i.p. trial battlegrounds

    r.i.p. trial battlegrounds

    ... thanks blizz for taking battlegrounds away.