It has an AoE slow with no cooldown (but costs 10 rage so you have to land a BT/charge), which Arms dont have so it's decent utility, but it's highly dependent on crit/haste ssecondary stats for consecutive BT/WS's.
So I finally got to updating RFC, and now I'll be creating tables for the boss/trash drop loot to keep it more organized.
Please be patient as I won't be able to do it all at once due to my work schedule.
Also, as I always mention, do inform of any mistakes or additional information.
Thank you.
Cipes @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
Neaptinker @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
Found them in this thread:
I can't confirm or deny they're BiS, but the gear looks solid enough for me so you should...
For not using heirlooms, that looks nice.
Peerless stats (+2) on chest though, cus greater stats only gives +1 at 19, it's a tooltip error.
And your choice between WoD enchants, though I've seen Multistrike most recently.
at 10 outside bgs, stacking versatility would probably be your best bet. I think you get up to 50% damaged done increase or something, but it will be around 10% damage done with 5% damage reduction in a bg with 19s.
(evocator's blade) Since Cataclysm, and if you need help with additional gear, you can use this guide:
I'm jealous of your GF'd gear, G.
Also, I don't know if it's a good addon, but I do like PvPSound. When flag is taken/dropped, when a base is assaulted or being taken, it calls it out.
Also calls out your first blood, kill spree, etc for personal fun.