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  1. notoriousthf

    Darkxd Mainteam Vs Waka Flocka Seagulls

    Darn, I'm gonna be at work. :(
  2. notoriousthf

    Defias chest price?

    Long story short, it has little to no value if it's not BiS, even if it's a good looking "cosmetic". It's not even visible on a transformed druid anyway.
  3. notoriousthf

    Notoriousthief's Stream

    Another day at the gulch. Hopefully my luck turns around... or I get good.
  4. notoriousthf

    Been over a year since I played

    Sweet, good to know.
  5. notoriousthf

    Notoriousthief's Stream

    Been long since I played my pally. Pretty sure I'll be playing terribly, but I'm going to go live today anyways.
  6. notoriousthf

    Been over a year since I played

    How's the bracket been doing? And how are you all doin as well?
  7. notoriousthf

    Prot war weapon enchant

    "As you're still looking to try, keep in mind that you should only do so if your team does not already have a FC." It's the same info I was given when I played prot paladin. As cold as it sounds, he's pretty much right. He'll have to play a utility style of prot warrior if a druid FC is...
  8. notoriousthf

    Heirloom Dagger/Sword for caster ?

    They still haven't considered Plate healing heirlooms.
  9. notoriousthf

    Bugged Pop?

    What I sometimes get is instance aborted, and I get the deserter debuff. X_X One of the few reasons i stopped playing atm
  10. notoriousthf

    Dirtyauction VS Real (War VS War WoTLK)

    Damn, now I want to make a fury warrior for no reason.
  11. notoriousthf

    Dodging losses.

    Back in Cata, I used to play a shadow priest called Shadowßeast, and people hated me for playing shadow instead of Disc/Holy, until I started killing hunters (Keeshan's Bandana was OP back then). Good ol' days. I had to delete the toon due to other reasons. Back on topic, nothing much has...
  12. notoriousthf

    Notoriousthief's Stream

    Notoriousthief - Twitch Watch and enjoy... or don't. It doesn't matter to me.
  13. notoriousthf

    Man I have to vent for a second

    you mean IF he googled it, unless you know the guy.
  14. notoriousthf

    10-19 Cipe's 19 Priest Guide

    onder other options (not best in slot): You should add Green Tinted Goggles Minor Recombobulator, and Feline Mantle
  15. notoriousthf

    Man I have to vent for a second

    Reminds me of the S-Key hunters from cata. But yea, I've yet to figure how to fake cast properly, so that's why I never took the healing route, even with my old 19 shadow priest that i deleted long ago. I'd rather be useful as something else than a sitting duck being interrupted so easily. You...
  16. notoriousthf

    Opinions on the Twink Cup?

    they're just examples, I want going to write down every class/spec.
  17. notoriousthf

    Message To All New 19s
  18. notoriousthf

    Opinions on the Twink Cup?

    It wouldn't be fair for most caster's (especially UU classes like shadow priest and affliction locks) who can barely dish any damage at all.
  19. notoriousthf

    Opinions on the Twink Cup?

    They should pointlessly make an exhibitiona match with only unenchanted boa weapons (and shields) and boa trinkets allowed (no armor/accessories) That would be a sight to see Of course, maybe no hunters
  20. notoriousthf

    Are twinks even alive anymore

    Notoriousthf#1843 (it's THF but you cant see the f cuz of the pound sign) Sadly I won't be able to play for a while, I got the Type B Flu and it's keeping me from staying focused at all. Still tho, welcome back