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  1. notoriousthf

    19 Quick Start Gearing Guide [BfA]

    Have the release on trinkets been confirmed for 8.1 though? Remember how long it took the rings to make an appearance.
  2. notoriousthf

    fire mage max crit

    11 and 6, 10 and 8, 9 and 9
  3. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    Looking into it, it looks like the on use will increase the stat by 5. Uncertain yet, though.
  4. notoriousthf

    19 Quick Start Gearing Guide [BfA]

    Just remember that crits are 150% against other players, so it won't hit as hard as the tooltip will state.
  5. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    Updating list soon. *All Enhancement Shaman ability damage increased by ~5% *Boulderfist damage increased to 35% (from 20%)
  6. notoriousthf

    Presumed 19s Comprehensive Tier List

    I do not take into account arenas nor 1v1s simply for the mention of immunity. This is strictly for bgs/wargames. I am also a ret main, and have been messing with the zeal talent lately. I'm still not convinced that the ret dps is good enough to make him viable, but I can move him up to Tier 4...
  7. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    Small update to assassination rogues and demo locks shortly
  8. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    Doesn't it also dispel enemies?
  9. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    added a few PTR updates to horde racial nerfs
  10. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    *Tank trink heirloom with 3 stam, dodge and bonus armor with an on use that boosts versatility to "party" (not raid) members by X for Y seconds on a 2 minute cooldown *DPS trink heirloom with 6 haste with on use that boosts haste to party *DPS trink heirloom with 6 crit with on use that boosts...
  11. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes? What do you all think of the new heirlooms that are under testing?
  12. notoriousthf

    Presumed 19s Comprehensive Tier List

    Awesome. How do you feel about the other talents? And can they be situationally used or not worth? MM hunter is tier 1. Tier 1 basically means they are good in both pugs ans competitive play. SPriests are Tier 2 which means they are good in pugs and may have potential in competitive but are not...
  13. notoriousthf

    Presumed 19s Comprehensive Tier List

    Acknowledged. As a question, what makes Resto Druid tier 2 over tier 1?
  14. notoriousthf

    Presumed 19s Comprehensive Tier List

    I've mained ret paladin for a long time, and I never thought I would have to rate it that low, but the cooldown issue it has is insane. Not to mention it has mediocre attack power scalings on its abilities for a DPS class.
  15. notoriousthf

    Presumed 19s Comprehensive Tier List

    *NOTE THAT THIS IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS* By requests, I have recreated this into its own thread for better visibility. -I am open to opinions concerning the tier list and class/spec information -Please do not post stuff like "X spec is just bad". please be elaborate and provide reasons...
  16. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    I posted the source, and yes it's from Wowhead. Last update to the list was October 23. I only placed the notes relating to 19s. The rest of notes involve level 20+ skills, passives, Azerite talents and PvP talents which are unavailable.
  17. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    Rogues got a few PvP Talent nerfs for assassination and outlaw, and a pvp talent removed for subtlety, but since we don't use PvP talents, it's irrelevant
  18. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    It was originally going to have more Starsurge damage, but instead they added it to its mastery
  19. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    MM and SV hunters. BM remains unchanged as Kill Command buff was directed to SV AFAIK.
  20. notoriousthf

    Current 8.1 PTR notes?

    8.1 PTR from what I've read so far: *Percentages are attack power/spellpower scaling Source Races Blood Elf ---- Arcane Torrent - 2 min cooldown (from 1.5 min) Troll ---- Berserking - 10% Haste (from 15%) for 12 sec (from 10...