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  1. Paramore

    Why rage quit?

    I have seen people quit like 30 seconds one time literally 2 seconds before the match ended and I'm talking people leaving themselves not dc's. I don't get it. Basically the thought process I have gone through when I think about afking is whether the game will last more than 15min, if so and its...
  2. Paramore


    hmm i have used fraps for a long time but i think its time to torrent this badboy and try it out thanks for details
  3. Paramore

    P2p 20-24 Ally real id list

    didnt know people still used vent :eek:
  4. Paramore

    low level tanks and paladins out of control

    even your tl dr was to long so again didn't read
  5. Paramore

    Story time

    Going to give an extra half star for a 4/5, I enjoyed the read and was glued to the screen with suspense till the end
  6. Paramore

    BM Hunter, Me Like!

    and yet less than a yr ago every hunter was bm, unusual i think not, not the current faceroll spec i think so
  7. Paramore

    Dear Holy Crit

    this pretty much
  8. Paramore

    BiS Horde Ele Shaman

    yea not even 20 yet so not sure what im going for yet at least you'll be a good starting point for some of if not most of the gear ty <3
  9. Paramore

    BiS Horde Ele Shaman

    As the title says looking for bis armories for ele shaman horde side thanking you
  10. Paramore

    More Overrated Players

    he just got glad on his warrior cant be that bad :P
  11. Paramore

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    24 spriests calling the rest of the team bad kek
  12. Paramore

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    3/4 of your team gy farming horde base in ab while bases getting capped around them
  13. Paramore

    Why Premade?

    snowball fights are a necessity
  14. Paramore

    Why Premade?

    This is why 8)
  15. Paramore

    Was just wondering...

  16. Paramore

    Yo Dorigon

    yea so some guy randomly started shit talking and pretended to be dori etc etc telling me to post on ti to prove it blah blah obv a sh$% talker i dont no why you would pretend to be someone else in a game but w.e servers went down was bored made thread to see if they would reply on any account...
  17. Paramore

    Yo Dorigon

    So reply if its rly you, id be disappointed if it was (and ignore this if it isnt )
  18. Paramore

    Shock has joined TI

    why did you necro this he made this thread almost a yr ago :(
  19. Paramore

    Playing the opposite gender characters

    if anyone has ever played Tera online, you'll find that the common thing they whine about is that anyone that plays an Elin (which is like an anime style girl) is a pedophile i've personally only played a few hours of the game but my friend who plays tera plays an elin and she is a girl and...
  20. Paramore

    According to Blizzard, gem exploit is now OK? Seriously?!?

    pls refrain from putting all 24s in the same boat, if f2ps could there would be some of you doing the same thing as the 24s. always gonna be people who exploit if they can no matter what class, lvl or bracket you are in. but in 24s gemmers are a minority, most 24s hate it as well.