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  1. Estradiol

    Classic Enchanting - Can't get any Strange Dust from DE bought items

    ? I just made lesser wands and greater wands to get to 100+ I never needed dust
  2. Estradiol

    Pandaren Reputation

    With the 10% bonus rep from the anniversary, is it possible to get exalted with the panda starting area faction, anyone know?
  3. Estradiol

    Warband Bank access revoked for F2Ps & Vets

    My warband bank is full, I have no idea what is still in it xD
  4. Estradiol

    Warband Bank access revoked for F2Ps & Vets

    Booooo, back to profession switching =(
  5. Estradiol

    took me 196 runs on my 20 druid, I feel your pain

    took me 196 runs on my 20 druid, I feel your pain
  6. Estradiol

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    oh it says +3 on mine too, but when i socketed it, my agility and stamina only went up by 2
  7. Estradiol

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    The Nightmare Tear doesnt give me +3 to stats it only gives me +2 now
  8. Estradiol

    Are they broken?

    Because I cant be cool like everyone else and get Amnesia, I want mastery xD
  9. Estradiol

    Are they broken?

    The centaur offensive one, forgot the exact name of it. Its the bottom of the three choices in the menu.
  10. Estradiol

    Are they broken?

    Saw a necklace I wanted from a DF dungeon, so Im all like "hey follower dungeons are a thing now!" But those enemies were not scaled down at all. One shot hilarity ensued.
  11. Estradiol

    3 socket neck

    Can it be used on any DF dungeon neck or does it have to be a certain one/few?
  12. Estradiol

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    PvE druid (not speed focused) about 80% of the way geared.
  13. Estradiol

    3 socket neck

    Can someone explain how to craft the thingy to make a DF neck 3 socket? Other than making reagent bags for my druid army I know nothing about DF crafting.
  14. Estradiol

    Life is the best!

    Life is the best!
  15. Estradiol

    A twink without PvP?

    I prefer PvE as a twink, theres a metric ton of things to do, especially with warbands making it so we dont have to juggle professions anymore. My main is going scribe/engi, and have an alt for each profession. I can now collect all recipes without fear of losing them. Chasing achievement points...
  16. Estradiol

    Prepatch event

    Other than the heirloom ring and the 3 pets, is there anything worth getting for pure F2P? If not, then I guess I am done with it.
  17. Estradiol

    Hey Druids

    Anyone having a slightly harder time soloing dungeons than they used to since the update?
  18. Estradiol

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    *sad face* wrath stam gems still only give +2, back to dreadstone transmuting
  19. Estradiol

    20 bis list?

    For 90% of people, it will be mostly TBC socket gear.