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  1. FiveSpice

    2000 Honor exchange for 5 mark of honor reminder before next PVP season, patch, etc

    Could anyone share the NPC names to find in Oribos or Valdrakken in order to do this please?
  2. FiveSpice

    F2P Tiered Medallion Setting Encyclopedia (How to get guide)

    Wow - the whole Jewelcrafting, skill, concentration, knowledge thing has completely mystified me thus far & I've stumbled through more by luck than judgement to be able to craft this thing on my Mining/Jewelcrafting alt. (Created to make use of the Warband Bank. :( ) This is a brilliant, well...
  3. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    In order to put in to practise some of the kind advice above, I spent 30 Minutes with Kiwano in just the first courtyard of Dire Maul (Capital Gardens) last night, which got me this: Didn't count the runs, but it was quite fast because I had Infinitely Divisible Ooze working for me. (On my...
  4. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    After a long stressful day/week/month it's mindlessly relaxing & not paying is a challenge. (I do other more productive/adrenalin filled pursuits too. Don't worry.) But I know what you mean & you have a valid point. I have no logical defence...
  5. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    Apologies should be mine - I did do the hour on Felspore Bog Lord - but pasted in your post after a long day & got my mobs mixed up. (I did a couple of Treants, but nothing of interest dropped.) So no damage done. I'll edit my post. I think Dire Maul (DM) Capital Gardens seems the way to go...
  6. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    Thanks.. I tried Corrupted Darkwood Treant a little more scientifically, so for 30 minutes in "present" & 30 "before the invasion" by talking to Zidormi. If it makes any difference I was in Shadowlands Chromie Time.* Here's what I got (empty bags at start): With one Inert Elemental...
  7. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    Maybe, since materials for some uses (but not all, e.g. Simple Flour for Darkmoon Faire's Putting the Crunch in the Frog etc.) can be either in your Bank, Reagent Bank or Warband Bank, rather than on your person, people maybe just haven't noticed they had/used them. That said, I am having a...
  8. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    All I can say is that I had them in my bags at the start & as far as I remember when I'd finished they had gone. Obviously I need several Essence of Undeath for Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing & I'm having to farm more - I have none at present.
  9. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    Just to say that thanks to help from the awesome CroyeTchor, who already had, Krastinov's Bag of Horrors, today we unlocked Old Scholomance for me & I now have Lifestealing on my enchanting alt as Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing dropped on my first run through. We followed the...
  10. FiveSpice

    LifeStealing for f2p

    I'm EU & would really appreciate some help if the offer is an open one. It's been frustrating me how I could achieve it without a month long sub I won't have time to make the most of - I have a heavy workload IRL right now, but I can be pretty flexible on time for a week or so. Happy to fit in...
  11. FiveSpice

    Lvl 10 flying

    Thank you.
  12. FiveSpice

    Lvl 10 flying

    I can fly on my only level 10, have not unlocked Adventure Mode, (as far as I know) but that flying is only dragon fashion - i.e. swoopy & brief. There doesn't seem to be the option to Switch Flight Style that looks to only be unlocked at 20. (All my 20s can Switch Flight Style & loot Amnesia.)...
  13. FiveSpice

    The War Within 10s & 11s Armory

    Thanks for that. So it seems from Wowhead that I need to do: Big Time Adventurer & the page I've linked has a comment that goes in to great detail: "I present You Storyline Big Time Adventurer." Wowhead seems to indicate I can't do it on a 20 Twink as it needs to be Level 40 & if I fly there...
  14. FiveSpice

    The War Within 10s & 11s Armory

    Hi I've seen two Brewmaster (BM) Monks (when the Blizzard character page works - which seems sporadic right now) with Amnesia: Ðåp Bønky & now even I see above there are Mistweavers: Crushie Tsumi Lushie Could anyone tell me how that has dropped for them please? Forgotten Creation I can't...
  15. FiveSpice

    "How to solo", a Death Knight dungeonning guide.

    Awesome guide with incredible amount of detail & a great help for amateurs like me. Thank you.
  16. FiveSpice

    Farm Chaos Crystal for enchant Mark of the Hidden Satyr in F2P

    Great guide & really useful - TY. Suggestion: "/way Highmountain 36.3 8.6 Sekhan" puts the marker way north in the sea., not in Thunder Totem. (It is correct for the Thunder Totem map.) Should be wandering around: 44.0 54.0, so "/way Highmountain 44.0 54.0 Sekhan" would be smoother. BTW - 2...
  17. FiveSpice


    Forgotten Creation (Rare) is in a room in The Azure Span - enter from the platform outside (Coordinates: 38.7. 59.9). As a 20, just walk in, kill & loot. Not done as a 10 so may need editing. Dropped for two alts in quick succession. Disoriented Watcher (Elite) in Walking Shores is a lower...
  18. FiveSpice

    How to one-shot boses (Vanilla up to WoD)

    Whoops - switched out - I'll delete post TY...
  19. FiveSpice

    Undocumented lvl restrictions for crafted items and profession cap

    Dropped for me there yesterday - three or four hours of farming, though I didn't have a timer running. Some useful engineering mats as well makes it not so bad, plus an epic Fumblub's Seat Cushion dropped from Fumblub Gearwind, which may or may not be worth something.
  20. FiveSpice

    What are the requirements to use garrison blueprints ?

    I value your opinion & experience as an altruistic person who has also shared frustrations here & I've paused for thought. (This would not be the first time my life has been a warning to others - skateboarding when it's not the seventies any more is a good example.) It's taken me >8 attempts...