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  • you want to tell me what is and isn't possible in wsg first look up definitions for momentum, velocity, and position then learn your class
    when I tell you to meet me ramp it is for a very specific reason, you don't follow through so instead of 2-0 you give them the cap
    all players should come to the current US 20 bracket lets make wsg 10v10s active
    if you don't want to be part of wargames then why can't it be a thing without you? if there are players wanting it then it should be a thing
    if one team demolishes the other you have to balance it better and keep trying to balance it until only the most clutch plays matter
    yes actual 10v10 wsg is the best thing in wow but to have actual 10v10 you need actual players not teenagers
    all this pug activity no reason why there shouldn't be 10v10 wsg wargames
    I just came back and noticed a lot of pug activity but where are the wargames lets do it
    all these pug heroes lets wargame 3v3s , wsg someone get everyone together let me balance teams = better bfa 20s
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