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  • A lot of people have autism. Some of the world's most successful and brilliant minds have autism.
    Can't you two just PM eachother instead for your sillyness?
    The needs to be addressed publicly. Autism is no laughing matter and I will not tolerate those justifying “it’s out of context” usage.
    Hm. Did not read what was said about such. While I do agree, making light of any sort of conditions like that is a cheap shot and moronic.
    ......Though, to his defense, all of that is more relevant than Conq. So..-swish-
    Like I said, Sanit is going to babble about that for the rest of time. Unfortunately, none of that or who was a mod is relevant now.
    Welp, been a few months. Time to hop back on WoW. :3 Sup with my fellow 20s? And endgame?
    Yeah, what Sponsor said. It's A Korean MMo, so its naturaly very very grindy. :)
    Haha. I still have epics. A lot of them. D: Unless theres new ones than the quest ones
    Hah. xD That was pretty bad, indeed. Also thing Im done my mini-WoW break again.
    Society, in many ways, sucks. No worries, Light. I did imagine we were still amigos. And hey, whats wrong with mcnuggets, Rad? :O
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