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  • Check all the servers on PTR. Only two of them allowed me to character transfer.
    I see the character copy button on 3 of the servers, and not on the others. RIP Broxigar
    Emmisary Cuffs, Charge Gear, Aquamarine Signet, Revlosh Gear, all lost their suffixes or were assigned random suffixes with no extra stats.
    Those are "of the Monkey" ilvl 35 on live. And that ring is "of the Tiger" on live.
    I don't believe instanced pvp is available yet. They are still testing Warmode.
    FYI Character Copy was datamined on today's BFA build. I'll be home in 4 hours. Give me another tester badge ahead of time.
    What are some good wireless headsets or headphones to rock? My Logitech G933 died after 5 months. Want to keep away from this brand.
    I've had my g930's for like 3-4 years, and still act as if I just bought them yesterday.
    Got a Staff of Jordan, requires 38, ilvl 51. This thing worth anything?
    yes and no, you know the deal with using a wand. but pretty cool that you got one.
    Maybe I'll just put it aside incase the wand situation gets fixed some day.
    Engineering goggles, deadskull, arctic buckler, inferno robe, seal of sylvannas/wrynn, all 3 ashenvale rings, Faerie Mantle, fishing hat
    WoWhead shows a lot of the older, higher ilvl gf'd items as having increased stats as compared to now. Will be interested to see for sure.
    @Bestworld Balance/Resto Druid, Ele/Resto Shams and Holy Paladins. The rest should stick to either actual weapons or wands.
    Yes it still drops. Drop rate is low. I have farmed 5 in an hour before. Yesterday I got 1 in 5 hours. Its a mind numbing farm.
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