It was fun while it lasted...

Keep in mind that the real troll here doesn't even PvP. I don't troll the forums, I just like making unorthodox builds that make people mad.

Get ready for my "never get out of defense stance" fury build.
there is no whining or complaining about 29s. No pity parties. No moaning. I know you hate it when i say this because i am not “we” but by all appearances we’ve moved on

How exactly has it died then? If not for 29s?

What's the reason to quit then? No levelers? Lol!!

Avoiding the words doesnt make it unsaid.... :rolleyes:

What's the cause of the OP's emo house on fire post in the first place then? What is so bad he has to quit?? The awesome new talent trees??

Again, seeing only what you want. Oh well.
It was fun while it lasted...

You bet it was!
Im guessing the experience you're enjoying so little now is how "fun" it was for anyone NOT you in the 20-29 xpon bracket the last few years.... but hey, that was different. Right?



Really would have expected a little more fight than this from such a thriving community of like-minded players... instead of just following the footprints of every other bracket that came before.

Guess we're not all that different after all. Weird, that.
What, you mean like whrn conzil was sayi g that "we" f2play persevered thru this and that and the other thing.... and now the bulk of your community has quit or "moved on"?

Honestly.... this was THE bracket that could have survived, could have thrived without levelers (beyond f2play in greys that downloaded the game an hour ago and are 20 already)........

But its just the same. Make your excuses, lay your blame, kiss it goodbye. Lol.

How many 29 can there even be? If there are so many thriving, active f2play? Shouldnt they be like 1 in 5 ongoing battles or something?

Edit- or is it that vets were lumped in and defected?

Highest level i played since the change was 24, but that was admittedly a few weeks ago due to wrath, work, prepatch, etc....

I dont have any problem playing 20 at least sometimes. I dunno.

And certainly not begging ANYONE to queue, lol. You all do what you want, just wish it'd be done a little less delusional and oblivious.
[doublepost=1666898302,1666897728][/doublepost]And the whole crying about blizz not knowing how to keep subs coming from inside a community thet requires you dont have one to participate... yeah, that certainly has me triggered, not gonna lie. :kekD::kekD::kekD:
Dear OP,
You try to do this quest in the wrong area. To be able to complete this daily q, you can go to Azuremist Isle (take portal to Exodar from SW portal room and fly there). The fire from the Horseman is concentrated onto 1 building, and you can do the quest even solo. Also, try to focus onto big fires first, then switch focus to small ones. Works perfect even with F2P and Vet chars. Works fine on chormie and normal timeline. If anyone still has problem I can upload a youtube video for this.
In regards to the population problem, people will come and go, there will be times when thr community is low, and times when it will flourish. The only time you can say its trully over is when blizz will shut down the servers. Until then, the game can be whatever you want to be. Pvp is tough? Try 15 years of pve content, almost all scaled and free for us. Pve gets fucked by scalling and bad modifiers? Do organized pvp, wargames, switch brackets, try duels in Sw/Ogg,etc. The game is trully over only when the servers are shut. Forever. Until then, you only take a break from Azeroth.
What, you mean like whrn conzil was saying that "we" f2play persevered thru this and that and the other thing.... and now the bulk of your community has quit or "moved on"?


In the other thread you said we should accept the change. Now you complain that some has f2ps have accepted it and moved on?

Also I said we would get through this by doing other stuff than PvP, which is exactly what most of us are doing. If you check out the Wow20 Discord it is way more active today than it was like a year ago. Not every F2P did PvP. For example I went back to Achievement farming and got 18000 points which has been a goal for a while.
Some should accept it and some should fight for it.... that's why i was on about "we" and how it cant be as universal as it was being tossed about.

And for all the chest-thumping how special 20s are and every other community didnt have what it took to survive without levelers..... i would have thought more would at least pretend they meant it. Lmao. That's all.

Now its every other bracket ever. Just talk. Just fluff.

You, sir, will survive. And your bracket is better for it. The ones here for no reason but to crap on levelers like every other before and since.... no one really is gonna miss.

Lumping that into your "community" was faulty.... that's all i ever tried to get across:

You cant really talk tall about 20 when most of the fckrs jumped ship the first cloud that popped into the sky. Nothing new there. Every bracket had it, this one boasted better.

It is what it is.

Also... "doing other stuff" than PvP? I mean.... you can say every 60 and 70 that's queueing "survived" cuz they didnt delete their toon. That's hardly example of perseverance...

PvP is the ONLY complaint.... why would other stuff even come into it?
You guys weren't there when this guy trolled the 60s and 70s threads on the official battleground forums back in the day. His strategy is to bait you into an argument and then throw a wall of text at you to demonstrate his intellectual superiority.
Those were not F2Ps tho
Vets and F2Ps are not the same

That is the smartest thing I've read here in quite some time. And my guess would be the majority of complaints are coming from the former... but getting lumped in just the same. If any true f2play is quitting over loss of levelers that'd be the issue.

edit- or more specifically complaining about blizz doing them wrong in the change.....
You cant really talk tall about 20 when most of the fckrs jumped ship the first cloud that popped into the sky. Nothing new there. Every bracket had it, this one boasted better.
Most F2Ps kinda petered out and moved on to other things sometime in late WOD/early Legion, man. Not in SL.

The 20s youre whining about (mostly vets) are refugees from every other bracket that simply latched onto whatever mode of twinking would allow them easy, casual ques after 8.1.5. When 29 became a way to get easier, casual ques... they went there.

F2Ps are still around and (hang on, lemme check discord again) yep... still excited about the game.

PvP is the ONLY complaint.... why would other stuff even come into it?
Well, for starters PVP isnt the only complaint. You can re-read the OP and he doesnt mention 29s in specific or pvp in general (in fact, he mentions the game, competition, collecting and hanging out with friends).

There are a lot of frustrations one might have if you played F2P in MOP/WOD, quit and then came back in late SL. There isnt really a group scene anymore, F2P doesnt feel as special as it used to (for a variety of reasons), the game on the whole feels worn down and over trod... etc

Other stuff comes into it because the appeal of F2P has always extended beyond pvp. pvp is "a" thing that F2Ps do. it is not "the" thing.
As a F2P 20, my only slight concerns with 29s in PvP is when my side doesn't have any pure 29s but I stay and try for the honor or it's a pre-made team on the other side it usually ends pretty quick, and I still get honor. If Epic battlegrounds proc'd more it wouldn't even be a mention as it is seeming harder for lvl 29s to get more than 10 players together so the other 10+ aren't as in sync. But I haven't tried Pvp since I am still working with the talent trees and UI foremost and trying to complete as much as the enchants on current gear or to put on scrolls by 11/15 or the release of DF.

Sure, people complain about a lvl 20 twink, even one that has almost all of the enchants and gear for a lvl 20.

I spend most of my time trying to complete as much as the professions I want to, like Alchemy. I have the Alchemist's Flask made for a while now, and just started re-uisng since 10-25. My goal is to get all the useable or fun items in Alchemy I can.
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The 20s youre whining about (mostly vets) are refugees from every other bracket that simply latched onto whatever mode of twinking would allow them easy, casual ques after 8.1.5. When 29 became a way to get easier, casual ques... they went there.
And hence would never be referred to as "we". Same page.

pvp is "a" thing that F2Ps do. it is not "the" thing.

And in that, everyone quitting over this IS basically spot on everything I'm "venting" about. Same page.

And your f2play COMMUNITY is perfectly fine. So anyone complaining about "community" is not losing anything.

Same page?

edit- and, not putting you on it - especially if you respond mid-edit cuz I edit so damn much... complaints like this?

It is a sad day for all of us in the 20's bracket. You are the real OG's the last surviving veterans of the days that once were. I decided, as I logged off hopefully for the last disappointing time

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