20 bgs

how are bgs going? what bgs are available to 20s now? should i return? if i return will i be as dominant or go even further beyond in skill? if i just happened to be the michael jordan of 20s what spec(s) should i play?

lmao what is this? Such a low quality troll.
i couldn't find the answers to my questions so i made the thread to see if any active vets can answer
Maybe he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to sap someone
i actually do have the best timed saps

Voc you need to shake this bracket up like a baby
i would shake the bracket again but its already shaking, it never stopped shaking from the first time
Voc sucks lol
is that why i beat you in duels when i was blind drunk and undergeared with the wrong talent, imagine if i was sober geared correct talent you would have got clapped like the rest

We need some decent horde to farm . Come play .

:( horde.....
don't come to my thread like that, go and do something about it before i roll alli figure out your character name and focus you
you're an idiot change your pic, show some respect
Stand still so I can use aim shot☠️
Jesus christ someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning. Also creating a character for the sole purpose of targetting some stranger you see online isnt really a "chad" move. Just comes off as odd and too much free time, ofcourse what would i know? Youre the 2017 champion, you own this forum right?

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