US [H] Group of 70 twink friends LF more friends


Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this because I'm kind of new to the community but, me and 3 of my friends all have 70 twinks that are pretty much full BiS (we have multiple actually, a rogue/hpal a rsham/rogue and a prot/fury warrior) we are looking for more people to do some content with, duels, wargames, or literally anything really as ques NEVER pop in this bracket.

We also had an idea where we would recruit 7-12 more people that are also pretty geared (or not, we will run you for gear if you need) and attempt to 10-15 man BT/Sunwell (considering no consumables also) just for the increased difficulty, which we think would be especially fun because honestly with a full group of 25 we would steam roll it. And if enough people are interested in that and we do end up clearing it cross server we figure we might as well put a guild together and do it weekly, and as most of us have multiple geared 70s anyway we could set up multiple raid teams, but I'm getting ahead of myself now... so anyways, we are just some nice chill buds looking for more 70 friends to play with us so If anyone is interested in any of that please add my btag and send me a message! eni#11309

Thank you, hoping to hear from some you! :)

UPDATE: So a few people have messaged me expressing interest in doing a 10 (possibly 15 if 10 is too difficult) man Sunwell run. If we run with 10 then we only need 5 more people who are 70 and willing to go (we will help you get your BiS!) as of right now we need 1 tank 2 healers and 2 DPS preferably one melee and one ranged. This is our comp so far;

TANK: Prot Warrior / X
HEALER: Holy Paladin / X / X
DPS: Outlaw Rogue / Demo Warlock / X / X / X

Again if anyone is interested in this Sunwell run or just some horde war games please feel free to add my battle-tag!
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It's entirely possible that you've finished with this project, but I'm going to add your btag soon just in case.
It's entirely possible that you've finished with this project, but I'm going to add your btag soon just in case.
What is ur btag me and another person are starting to recruit to get a guild goin for twinking with high possibilities for raiding and pvping

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