How much faster's the 100% mount than the 60%?


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you might asw go find a solution to 1/x=0, might be easier than provoking me

120% would be 100% faster than 60%

so 100% is 2/3 faster than 60%

and 2/3 is 66.66666666% repeating
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anyone know how to type with that line on top of the number to show repeating decimal??
I don't believe there's any sort of diacritical modifier that would give you a vinculum, but many editors support "overline" formatting in addition to "underline" (but predictably not this forum).

(BONUS TRIVIA: I once got laughed at by my math class in elementary-school for referring to that by its appropriate name.) :rolleyes:
Due to the question’s ambiguity, we have two possible solutions.

The mount is 67% faster.

The player would go 25% faster by comparison.

Reasons provided by the aforementioned scholars @Crystalpall & @melabeari

Also, x = +/- ∞

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