Whats the longest amount of time youve farmed for a BiS?

Legion invasion event for weeks on end with minimal sleep.

I think I’d have to agree with the Legion Event. Except I developed a script that would allow my characters to do the events for me while I was at work and while I was sleeping.
There was a beautiful sweet spot in the river just west of Orgimmar where if you stood just right all you had to do was strafe a little to left/right and you could be in the two different zones where the invasions would take place.
Thus, I was able to get Warforged gear in nearly every slot on nearly all my toons that way.
Fun opening up those boxes at the end of the day! I probably still have some on some of my toons I never play.

It did take probably close to a year to get all the fragments and quests done for Val’anyr when it was current content during WotLK.

I think I’d have to agree with the Legion Event. Except I developed a script that would allow my characters to do the events for me while I was at work and while I was sleeping.
There was a beautiful sweet spot in the river just west of Orgimmar where if you stood just right all you had to do was strafe a little to left/right and you could be in the two different zones where the invasions would take place.
Thus, I was able to get Warforged gear in nearly every slot on nearly all my toons that way.
Fun opening up those boxes at the end of the day! I probably still have some on some of my toons I never play.


I used the AFK script as well when I went to get the little sleep that I acquired over the course of those weeks xd
Not me but a friend with Autism used to farm Gnomeregan 18h/day with only poop and eat breaks for like 3 weeks.
He didn’t get the item.
Hotshot pilot gloves

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