110's are insane


Scum of the earth
Not even fully geared, but 110's are absolute broken. I have 45K hp compared to 20K of the enemies. With pally buffs, azerite traits and a trinket I decended to god-status in this bracket.

Armory - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/draenor/Graçe

Some bg scores



i havent had a chance to jump into the expac yet, so you are using the legion legendary then all bfa gear? same thing as 99s were? just complete all the questlines with xp turned off?
i havent had a chance to jump into the expac yet, so you are using the legion legendary then all bfa gear? same thing as 99s were? just complete all the questlines with xp turned off?

Basically. You get the artifact necklace at 110 and can work on that. You get a few 295 azurite pieces that can become 300 (and can have special abilities). Theres a couple of 300 trinkets (though the mythic antorus trinkets are probably better). Your legion artifact weapon has no traits/abilities anymore - but you can still put relics in, and its actually easier to gear since only ilvl matters. You can get 2 legion legendaries as well. Anything else can be replaced with leveling gear (especially if it upgrades) or mythic antorus gear.

Its really easy to take an account that raided in legion and has already done the legion legwork. I'm eyeing a fury warrior I had lying around at ~100 - so I'd have to do some significant prepwork to unlock the second legendary slot and earn the currency to buy my legendaries.

Theres also 111 and 119 as options (and 115 maybe? not sure its really that good) - so for those you'd have more BfA options open up. And you'd want to level through dungeons until the desired level, and then turn exp off and quest/do rares.
Those don't rely look like all that impressive screenies score wise. Healers are op in most brackets ATM all u showing.
My twink is a 110, 260 ilvl arcane mage (Alliance). I typically finish a BG with over 1M dmg and over 25 kills. I have 52k HP right now. Add my btag if you’d like to run some BGs or something.
Done one BG on my paladin so far. 1.1m damage, top kills, KBs, and 3rd healing. Was a horde arcane twink with more health than me, but I killed her 1 on 1 and she left me alone unless I was already engaged.

Bracket feels like it will get re-tuned, but I plan to enjoy it while I can.

Pressonekey, I was in a heroic Vault with you the other day. You run M Antorus this week yet?
@raziel83 You realise that 110 is it's own bracket?

Got my first leggo from the WQ box + some more pics of me becoming a god in this bracket



My twink is a 110, 260 ilvl arcane mage (Alliance). I typically finish a BG with over 1M dmg and over 25 kills. I have 52k HP right now. Add my btag if you’d like to run some BGs or something.
does it matter if the damage is aquired by gy farming? rushing the zerker hut area and the 3 of us wiping their whole team as they cross in wsg is good fun. gy farming kills isnt.

horde needs more tinks
Wait 110s have their own bracket? Why wouldn't it be 110-119 now lol. Blizz u silly
if you dont buy the expansions you dont get to play the expansions
Because Legion is still current content and has its own license, same as draenor before where 100s had their own bracket.
Oh right. Maybe this won't get fixed then since it affects a relatively small number of players and it's not really a scaling issue. It's just being able to acquire BFA gear at 110 which they still have to allow players to do.
Alright guys, I wasn't sure where to post this so I figured this would be a good place to do so:
As some of you may know (and many of you do not), Island Expeditions are by far the best way for us 110 twinks to get Artifact Power and level up our Azerite pieces. They typically take 6-10 minutes, have 1 minute queues, and reward you 150 Artifact Power for winning.

Now what many of you do not know is that every time you increase your reputation with Champions of Azeroth to a new level (AKA neutral to friendly, friendly to honored, etc.), you gain +15 ilvls on your neck.

I've searched far and wide for ways in which us 110 twinks are able to grind reputation with Champions of Azeroth, and unfortunately, we have basically no means of doing so. The only real way for us to get this reputation is by doing Island Expeditions, because you have a VERY SMALL (I believe somewhere from 1-5% chance) of getting Azeroth's Tear, an item which rewards you with +250 reputation with Champions of Azeroth. I believe that this item drops on any mode in the expeditions, but if I'm wrong, somebody please correct me.

Ultimately, I have concluded that the +150 Artifact Power you get from the expeditions plus the VERY SLIM CHANCE of getting reputation with Champions of Azeroth is BY FAR the best way for us 110 twinks to level up our Artifacts. There really is no other way to grind out neither Artifact Power nor reputation at level 110, but the expeditions are pretty good.

To finish this off, I'm sure a lot of you aren't aware that every time you level up your Artifact, you need 30% more Artifact Power for the next level. It seems most of us twinks are stuck around level 12-14. Well after doing some math, I calculated that you need APPROXIMATELY 70,000 Artifact Power in order to get from level 13 to level 20. (Level 20 isn't anything special, I just wanted to show you how much AP it takes to get that high). 70,000 Artifact Power at 150 AP per Expedition means you would need to do about 460ish expeditions, with an average of 8-9 minutes per expedition + queue, to get that high. And during the 460 expeditions, you also have a pretty good chance to get anywhere from 5-10 Azeroth's Tear.

All in all, Island Expeditions are our best friend if you are at the point where you have nothing else to do or if you're in the mood to grind our AP. After an hour of them, you get about 900 AP-1,000 AP. Do these while killing WANTED NPCs in between queues and doing Missions and you're looking at around 4,400 AP every 4 hours. That's the best you're gonna get at 110.

Good luck to you all on the Artifact Power grind! It is a lot and difficult road once you get to level 13, but it is worth it! ESPECIALLY IF YOU MANAGE TO GET REPUTATION WITH CHAMPIONS OF AZEROTH AND INCREASE YOUR NECK +15!!!!! Please feel free to reply/comment your thoughts/ideas/anything that I might have gotten wrong.

TLDR; 110 twinks should do Island Expeditions if they want to gain AP as quickly as possible.
@Pressonekey Champions of Azeroth Reputation can be gained by your "table". Just finished a 200% mission for 125 + 100 reputation on my 119. So I guess that 110s can do it too.
To finish this off, I'm sure a lot of you aren't aware that every time you level up your Artifact, you need 30% more Artifact Power for the next level. It seems most of us twinks are stuck around level 12-14. Well after doing some math, I calculated that you need APPROXIMATELY 70,000 Artifact Power in order to get from level 13 to level 20. (Level 20 isn't anything special, I just wanted to show you how much AP it takes to get that high). 70,000 Artifact Power at 150 AP per Expedition means you would need to do about 460ish expeditions, with an average of 8-9 minutes per expedition + queue, to get that high. And during the 460 expeditions, you also have a pretty good chance to get anywhere from 5-10 Azeroth's Tear.

The amount needed to increase your necklace's AP level also goes down by 30% each week IIRC.
But has anyone actually got the +15? Someone said the quest you get for it is lvl 120 only.
Don't know a person who has so far. But I just did a faction change and will be at 2125 / 3000 without any more missions. If I'm able to hit Friendly I will report back if I gain +15 on my neck.

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