Recent content by zardras

  1. BFA 19 Daily Pugs

    played a couple games today for the first time since bfa launch. tons of fun so far. HeyGuys
  2. Adaptable Offhand

    i have a lvl 18 mystic sphere can confirm it has 10int 5 stam and 5 verse.
  3. EU Gloves of the fang

    are you just soloing the druids or do you get a group with you? i tried soloing and it took a long time perhaps im doing it wrong? or do you just kill the ones in the first part and reset?
  4. EU+US Show me your GF'd Gear (pt 2) -warrior with a few things. was 29 foolishly leveled it. now resides at 39. /wrists also have marbled buckler and dual reinforced leggings. have a few other toons with things ill post tomorrow.