Recent content by XxRageBarxX

  1. XxRageBarxX

    Question on Bgs

    any 69 twink discord around?
  2. XxRageBarxX

    A list of things to get In case of TBC

    No rep req? Just for ab tokens? Cant remember...
  3. XxRageBarxX

    39 guilds

    Yes, it would be useful!
  4. XxRageBarxX

    (WTS) PoD - EU Gandling

    Yep, Crusader enchanted PoD. Open for offers
  5. XxRageBarxX

    (EU) 39 Post your twink server

    Hellwizard member of <Twinks R Us> eu Gandling, ally side we are in preparation for phase2/3 . in the meantime outdoor pvp, gear boost. status: open recruitment (all bracket)
  6. XxRageBarxX

    Rated arenas available in WoD?

    rly sad... however we have skirmish arena (for all lvl) , not be the best but is still something.. We can arrange homemade tournaments, or something like that..
  7. XxRageBarxX

    Rate my 85 frost Dk

  8. XxRageBarxX

    Where are all the 74's going?

    85 bracket <3 Join as much!! :V
  9. XxRageBarxX

    Rate my 85 Blood DK

    Go for double Necrotic, legs and shoulders
  10. XxRageBarxX

    5.4 Thoughts - positive and negative comments

    so now, cata epic gems is the only way? what about the enchants?
  11. XxRageBarxX

    Borò bids the bracket farewell for real

    bye jack ;_(
  12. XxRageBarxX

    Sun-Lute upgrading time!

    yay 500vp in a 3-4 hours
  13. XxRageBarxX

    Sun-Lute upgrading time!

    mm cant find the battlepet daily quest whit the vp reward... can u link it?