Recent content by Margooya

  1. Damn Alliance runs so many hunters ...

    It's not a horde nor an alliance problem. It's a hunter problem, mainly. I come back every so often to see how things are, and if any fun can be had. Always ends with a third of the players being hunters. And half a chance to face a hunters+disc premade. For the life of me, I dont get how some...
  2. Machinima Trailer Only (20 Twink BM "melee" Hunter) Part 2

    Melee beast hunter...I...GOTTA PLAY ONE! Brb, re-speccing my bow-only survival! :p Love your music on part1 btw.
  3. This needs to be fixed

    Came back after a break to see how things are. Our team was pretty much one shot by a couple of marksman hunters. I guess it has to do with that bug. I couldnt even keep a twinked Lock alive, one aimed shot would remove 70% of their health. Crazy.
  4. New members! Questions. Faq, ama

    Awesome, thank you my man!
  5. New members! Questions. Faq, ama

    I was actually about to make a specific thread, but might as well just ask here. Been looking for an answer to this. How to get to the other "island" for your faction, alone. I know you can get a warlock summon, but I'm often logged when nobody's on. Is it possible to get to Tiragarde as a 20...
  6. 50s Questions

    Didnt the SL gear get a heavy nerf (or flat out disabled) ? That'd mean you be on a decent footing doing BFA stuff. Meaning doing the weekly invasions, your weekly masks runs. If you can stomach that, you'll already be fairly competitive me thinks.
  7. 20s behavior in dungeons

    Incredible that we have to explain this.
  8. 20s behavior in dungeons

    God, so much awful behaviour. Then you guys wonder why twinks get a bad reputation. I'm not gonna stay here and pretend I'm a paragon of justice or anything, but at least I TRY to be decent. Yeah, even online with strangers it matters. If anything, the way you treat strangers says a lot about...
  9. 20s behavior in dungeons

    I could have expected this kind of mental gymnastic from a lot of people, but not from you. Not sure why, me being stupid I guess. Pretty unsavory, gotta say.
  10. 20s behavior in dungeons

    Me me me me me me me me me! F%& everybody else! It's all about meeeeeeeee! MMMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  11. Bramble is nerf :)

    Yeah the class is probably the strongest still. I'll play mine like before, bow only! That said I might need to look around for a better bow.
  12. What mount do you use in PVP?

    On my gob rogue, I use the Ratstallion or Hyena. Gob Shaman, either one of the many wolves, or the brawler's guild basilisk. My troll hunter used the swift albino raptor. Aliiance side the one and only Blackpaw! Works so well with my dwarven army, or my little gnome warrior!
  13. FTP Feral Viable??

    @selkit As was said, Bramble staff isnt the the main problem, Survivals just have a crazy bloated kit compared to any other spec. But add to that Bramble, and they get crazy damage too. I gotta say, dont take any of the critic on Surv to heart. I could rant all day about Surv hunters at 20, but...
  14. Shadowlands Class Coolness Tier List

    I'd be down for that.
  15. Shadowlands Class Coolness Tier List

    I dont know about survival being undeniably cool. And it's not because I dislike how OP they are. The archetype has the potential to be freaking awesome, but they keep on giving weird non-aspirational stuff. I really want a Rexxar type fighter, fighting with his pet, having matbe some cool...