Recent content by m1s777y

  1. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    on vet, complete only lvl and selfie, other are completed automatically
  2. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    you are right, it isn't impossible, i am vet, but get insane on 20lvl
  3. F2P Collection Website

    yes, you are right
  4. F2P Collection Website

    I found a mistake! this mounts are shown when i choose Alliance and Burning Crusade. And a wish, can u try to add some bar from 0 to 100 percent completed mount collection?
  5. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    World quests in warmode work with invasion ( i don't know about world quests without warmode doesn't work)
  6. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    can confirm, u can launch pink brightbursts with rose in transmog
  7. Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    he's have game time at the moment
  8. Weapons to reduce movement speed

    Icy Chill doesn't work very well at 20, I don't recommend it.