Recent content by Dammned

  1. Dammned

    TBC 39

    No matter what phase you enter in, you can still hang at classic 39 even if you don't have the top rated BiS gear. There is enough room for skill to allow you to play without GF'd gear, biss rolls or naxx shoulders etc. Of course the hill is steeper to climb, but you can certainly climb it and...
  2. Dammned

    Worth going for?

    Everyone makes a big deal about racials but if you are a good player then you can play any race/spec and have fun doing it. Try the bracket and you will have a blast
  3. Dammned

    Ninja BG Merge by Blizz

  4. Dammned

    Enh shaman questions

    IMO a weapon chain is not so expensive, so you could try it first and if you don't like it enchant Crusader over it. I like your thinking, you will continue to do damage if you keep your weapon, but how often are you being disarmed and will it outweigh the potential damage and healing (albeit...
  5. Dammned

    What can we do to increase the amount of Alliance players?

    I have seen and participated in rolling Alliance to help keep the bracket alive (It is seriously so much faster to get games in on alliance). It does take some time to level up and gear out your toons, so have patience and faith because this bracket is alive and will continue to be worth playing...
  6. Dammned

    Choosing a class

    If you are playing a lot of solo then hunter will be a good option. Lots of mid control, you can get a way from most situations if you want. Enhance shaman would be more fun than solo Q as priest or warrior also IMO. You can spot heal a few times if needed to help FC and again more mobility to...
  7. Dammned

    WTB Uldaman Ironaya Loot Farm - Whitemane

    For Alliance it seems yeah?
  8. Dammned

    best 2h sword?

  9. Dammned

    best 2h sword?

    Yes but obv not a sword. It's different not following bis guides but sometimes people want to chose a style of play over bis gear.
  10. Dammned

    What key things make a great player?

    Positivity. Encouragement. Not blaming the non-twinks who enter BG's. Jumping in discord (public 39's or private guild server) to communicate better.
  11. Dammned

    +4/4 Gloves of Monkey

    Hey all, I have a pair of +4/4 Scouting Gloves of the Monkey on Horde Whitemane. Anyone interested in purchase or trade? 39 gear trade or something cool =) Cheers!
  12. Dammned

    why did we all roll on high pop pvp servers

    That's a pretty nasty pick up right there!
  13. Dammned

    Best Hunter Pets

    BT can basically solo the lower lvl clothies. Boar charge is great to open up more space for kiting. Doesn't one of the spider pets drop a web/net? Not sure if that was a vanilla/classic thing or later on.
  14. Dammned

    Whitemane 3v3 rules and sign-up

    This really is going to be something worth participating in. Looking forward to it!
  15. Dammned

    Whitemane 3v3 rules and sign-up

    I agree that 300g is way too expensive. Do we want people to gear up and have a good comp, or to win back that gold we spent on our characters? My vote is gear up and toss in 20g each, and have a great tournament with as many teams as we can to promote 39's and teamwork. Looking forward to it...