Should we have Moderators/CoC on this site?

Should we have Moderators/CoC on this site?

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As discussing my last thread I believe that both censor peoples opinions and are destroying what growth this forum has. Moderators should not be determining what they think is acceptable by their own politically incorrect code. What is your stance?

Below are some of my debates with these mods:

Here's the thing guys.

We couldn't give a rat's ass about language (to an extent). If used moderately, that is FINE. But if used carelessly, with hostility and/or an off-topic, unconstructive posting, we will most likely remove it. It poisons discussion, the relationship between users on the site, and what this site stands for.

If you wish to shit-talk, keep it in-game or on vent.

You're all growing up I'd assume, so take this in consideration.

You are the exact type of person I'm talking about. Your definition of ''moderately'' lies on what you think is acceptable. Hostility flourishes conversations as has been proved on this site thousands of times. It's you mods who come around and delete and close threads because it doesn't lie with your ''politically acceptable code''. For you to think there is some ''special'' relationship between users on this site and for people using moderate language is delusional also. Like I said, if you are offended by a piece of content that maybe you don't agree with, you are more immature than the person writing it. You are a typical person who thinks swearing= childish behavior.

It's not a matter of "Butt-hurtness"
Toxicity is annoying and intolerable to many. And many people don't want that kind of stuff on their own threads.

TwinkINFO isn't a place for being a "toxic motherfucker"

...and your second post just shows your delusional state of mind. Again you are deciding what is acceptable to censor and that should never happen. The majority of people would disagree with ALL those statement as well. They are childish and show how immature you are. You should never be allowed to determine what you think is acceptable words or arguments on this site. You should never be allowed to censor anyone unless it is a breach of extremes like personal info or scamming.

You look like a typical social justice warrior and need to removed, because you are the toxicity on this site.


My god, you incompetent little shit. Do you have any idea how forums are run? Go to any other WoW related forum and look at how their communities are. The only reason why there is "censorship" here is because of the incredible amount of immaturity of the users on this forum. It really is astounding. The staff's goal is to keep the forums clean and adhere to the rules of the CoC. The rules are set in place to keep a tame atmosphere to promote forum growth and create a welcoming environment. This in turn will hopefully help the forum stay active and grow, which is the ultimate goal.

I'm actually surprised that this thread was created, by yourself none the less. You created a twink ranking thread not too long ago appointing random terms to people, such as "Mangina", faggot, and cunt for ranks. I honestly don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. Do you actually have no understanding what a forum is, and what its purpose is??

I wouldn't mind this forum being a free for all, so I could fucking lay some of these pathetic nerds in their rightful place, but for now there is a CoC(k) that we must all follow.

p.s. I'm generally ok with the use of profanity to get a point across, but the excessive use of it and the use of it directed at other members is not tolerated. I'm also not sure why there has been excessive use of censorship on this site, as I have been gone for the past bit, but hopefully I'll talk to a few of the mods and sort things out.

The Code of Conduct should just be renamed to Code of Censorship because that's all it does. If it didn't exist you damn well bet this site would flourish. Don't give this bullshit that it helps growth, we both know that is full of crap. The most popular and entertaining threads which bring activity to this forum are deleted or closed. You moderators are destroying the site not cleaning it. You are delusional.

You should NEVER be deciding what the fuck you think is ''acceptable behavior''. More people actually liked my thread than taking it like an immature idiot. I had two moderators saying they didn't want it closed. Again you prove my point, the fact you're getting offended by words shows how immature YOU ARE. I don't know who made you mod on this site because it's fucking pathetic. You are worse than Mocha. A typical politically correct pseudo intellectual who shouldn't be in charge of a cookie jar let alone part of a forum . If you were removed the activity on this site would increase. You are not helping this site but straining it of its full potential.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you are more lost than I thought.

(Calls people being immature yet replies with the most childish response)

Great response, again showing how immature you are. Like an idiot you laugh because you're to stupid to think of anything else.


Solipsist What your saying vs what the CoC says is a constant issue on TI and always will be, you see I HAVE met and talked with dozens of twinks who don't use TI or refuse to actually make a post because of the toxicity. Your opinion is based on what you read on these forums and the discussion that happens about it outside of the forums, what about the people who don't post but read regularly? there are a great many of them. Your being selfish by not realizing that this is a balancing act for us mods, and a very very difficult one, its about more than just the posters who are vocal about their opinions, its about all TI users.

Don't get me wrong, i'm glad you made this post, but I hope you consider what I've just said.

Censorship and swearing on a public forum should be kept to a a perfect world.

I know of far more who quit this site because of censorship. Shane's reign killed this community beyond belief but I won't go into it. We shouldn't need mods as I said before. Only serious offenses like scamming or personal info leaks should be removed. If the moderators and CoC is removed activity will skyrocket. There should be no censorship on this site. If someone is posting nonsensical bullshit, then we leave him alone like a mature person. We don't take the action of ''WE NEED TO DEFEND THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF TI, YOUR POST HIS HARMING THE WEBSITE, DOWN WITH YOU SCUM''.
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Hey man i'm a libertarian who leans heavily towards minimal state involvement, this doesn't rusttle my jimmies. Here is the only part of the CoC that is regularly enforced, if anyone wants to read it before they vote, and please do vote - I would appreciate it.

Hostile and/or Toxic Behavior:

These forums are intended to be an open and welcoming place for all users, and as such, members contributing to a hostile or toxic environment will not be tolerated. The behaviors that fall into this category include, but are not limited to:
  • Maliciously insulting another member for any reason.
  • Profanity or vulgarity used in any non-benign manner.
  • Hate speech of any form, including but not limited to race, gender, religion, orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status, or disability.
  • Harassment of an individual or group with the intent to bait, troll, infuriate, intimidate, or humiliate.
Posting Prohibited Material:

Discussion, instructions, or external links to information about the following topics is expressly forbidden:
  • Exploiting, hacking, or defrauding Blizzard/Activision or its games.
  • Cyber-attacking any website, online service, or individual.
  • Any public discussion or argument concerning disciplinary actions taken by the TwinkInfo staff.
Creating Multiple Accounts:

Every person is limited to only one Twink Info account. The creation of any additional account is a Ban Worthy Offense for the primary account, and a permanent ban for the additional account.

Posting Graphic Material:

Any signature, post, thread, or profile that contains depictions or descriptions of the following items will be removed and the account that posted said content will be permanently banned:
  • Nudity or sexually explicit acts.
  • Drugs or alcohol.
  • Graphic violence.

Any signature, post, thread or profile that contains advertisement and/or spam will be removed and the account that posted said content will be permanently banned.

False Claim Of Death:

Any signature, post, thread or profile that falsely claims the death of another community member will be removed and the owner of the account will receive a permanent ban.


Any user participating in the carrying out of a scam will be permanently banned. A scam is defined by TwinkInfo as any occurrence in which one party fails to abide by the original transaction terms that were agreed upon by both parties, or fulfill a refund or an alternate resolution agreed upon by both parties, within 48 hours of the agreed upon time of the original transaction. TwinkInfo reserves the right to withdraw at any time from any mediation between parties in a legal dispute, and offers no legal advice nor takes any legal responsibility for transactions carried out between individuals through the site.

You can find the full version here Code of Conduct V3
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Why is this a question lol. If there were no mods or CoC many problems will occur and the site would become far from legit.
Why is this a question lol. If there were no mods or CoC many problems will occur and the site would become far from legit.

Your statement is vague. Why would it become far from legit? Imo I think its creating far more problems than it is suppressing them as per my OP arguments.
Can we see who is voting for each option or is it just me because I did tick it.
We can see. The way you phrased the selections in your poll are very polarized and will taint accuracy statistically speaking, it should be a simple yes, or no, and separate options for mod/coc selection.
no mods and chaos or mods and a respectable community

no potential interaction with blizzard or potential interaction blizzard

stop trying to find purpose in your life through the twinkinfo forums
the two options were to vague imo, i voted no mods because if I HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN THE TWO that is how i would go.

I believe we need mods but i just feel like there should be closer to free reign, if you are worried about people seeing it to much split the sections up so there are more hostile sections which require a certain post #'s to view/post in.
Your statement is vague. Why would it become far from legit? Imo I think its creating far more problems than it is suppressing them as per my OP arguments.

No mods = people doing what ever they want when ever they want without restrictions
Have you ever seen a un monitored twitch stream chat? lol
The CoC needs to be accurately met with the competence of moderators.

Strict CoC = Strict moderators

Chill CoC = Chill moderators

Any mixed combination is 100% detrimental to any community. Leniency and lack of transparency is a horrible idea. Gray areas are a horrible idea. If a moderator takes action, they SHOULD BE ABLE TO site the exact infraction with the CoC the poster is breaking.

Laws need to be equally met with enforcement. That is the biggest issue this site has had. Shane's CoC was FAR too strict compared to what the moderators were enforcing. Either the CoC needed to be less strict or the moderators needed to be MORE strict. That is how you get scapegoating with the ONLY moderator whom ACCURATELY enforces the CoC. Since the current change the CoC has been completely disregarded by the moderators which has resulted in 100% free reign. The moment any enforcement is reintroduced, people throw a fit because they enjoy being destructive towards others and the CoC and accurate enforcement of it PREVENTS the ability to be a toxic poster.
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The CoC needs to be accurately met with the competence of moderators.

Strict CoC = Strict moderators

Chill CoC = Chill moderators

Any mixed combination is 100% detrimental to any community. Leniency and lack of transparency is a horrible idea. Gray areas are a horrible idea. If a moderator takes action, they SHOULD BE ABLE TO site the exact infraction with the CoC the poster is breaking.

Laws need to be equally met with enforcement. That is the biggest issue this site has had. Shane's CoC was FAR too strict compared to what the moderators were enforcing. Either the CoC needed to be less strict or the moderators needed to be MORE strict. That is how you get scapegoating with the ONLY moderator whom ACCURATELY enforces the CoC. Since the current change the CoC has been completely disregarded by the moderators which has resulted in 100% free reign. The moment any enforcement is reintroduced, people throw a fit because they enjoy being destructive towards others and the CoC and accurate enforcement of it PREVENTS the ability to be a toxic poster.

Pretty much the same delusional argument. Not going to dedicate another paragraph for you.

Mocha you are deciding what you think is morally correct in your political code. Thank god you have been relieved as mod because you are a plague to this website. You have one of the most delusional egos in this community, worse than Beau or Kancer. This forum is functional with drama and your idiotic mentality shows otherwise. Activity in game is hugely relevant of whats on this forum. Don't act like this is new because there are various threads from community members backing that up. You think you are some high authority for justice who gets to decide what you think is acceptable and not acceptable. You have been censoring this site for years and I think you actually enjoyed which was sick. We had over 50 signatures from people in this community who wanted to get rid of you. If Shane wasn't in charge, because he was fucking delusional, your position would have probably been relieved. If you would have your way this community forum would be fucking dead. Screenshots of you demanding Silin to banhammer people shows how pathetic you are. You wanted people to pm you so as they didn't expose your bullshit in public. You are a direct example of censorship and scum on this planet.
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Pretty much the same delusional argument. Not going to dedicate another paragraph for you.

Mocha you are deciding what you think is morally correct in your political code. Thank god you have been relieved as mod because you are a plague to this website. You have one of the most delusional egos in this community, worse than Beau or Kancer. This forum is functional with drama and your an idiot to think otherwise. Activity in game is hugely relevant of whats on this forum. Don't act like this is new because there are various threads from community members backing that up. You think you are some high authority for justice who gets to decide what you think is acceptable and not acceptable. You have been censoring this site for years and I think you actually enjoyed which was sick. We had over 50 signatures from people in this community who wanted to get rid of you. If Shane wasn't in charge, because he was fucking delusional, you position would have probably been relieved. If you would have your way this community forum would be fucking dead. Screenshots of you demanding Silin to banhammer people shows how pathetic you are. You wanted people to pm you so as they didn't expose your bullshit in public. You are a direct example of censorship and scum on this planet.


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