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  1. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    V3 of my class & theorycrafting document has been released! V3 Patch Notes: Farmed the majority of gear necessary as listed for needed specs (minus a few small pieces that ill now farm casually) Tested the majority of remaining tasks mentioned in notes and finalised BIS (will likely revist...
  2. TheDruidMan

    2 Fury Warriors Assassinate Magtheridon

    If i was better at editing (or had the funds to pay an editor) i have some ideas for some cool entertaining movie like twinking videos.. out here trying my best /salute
  3. TheDruidMan

    2 Fury Warriors Assassinate Magtheridon

  4. TheDruidMan

    Shadowgrasp/Ooze Trinket explained

    so i've killed bosses with just totem/ooze damage and i've still gotten loot, for some reason certain xpac dungeons do not guarantee loot when soloing the boss, except WoD, you always get loot in WoD
  5. TheDruidMan

    What All level twinks dream about

    yuppp >_>
  6. TheDruidMan

    What All level twinks dream about

    1000 runs later still farming that haste/mastery socket piece with speed kek
  7. TheDruidMan

    Shadowgrasp/Ooze Trinket explained

    let's see how they handle dragonflight next xpac.. since they said dragonflight will be the default leveling experience for new players, it won't be something to access via chromie time eliminating the possiblity of it ending up bugged similar to shadowlands... BUT you never know
  8. TheDruidMan

    Shadowgrasp/Ooze Trinket explained

    hope this helps
  9. TheDruidMan

    TheDruidMan 2 - The Unstoppable Force

    Some random clips I put together
  10. TheDruidMan

    TheDruidMan 1 - Shadowgrasp Totem

    Thanks guys
  11. TheDruidMan

    TheDruidMan 1 - Shadowgrasp Totem

    Showcasing some clips of me soloing raids with shadowgrasp totem
  12. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    There is a way to craft most gear at the seen item level, it’s not my method but it’s been going around behind the scenes, from what I’m seeing/hearing
  13. TheDruidMan

    30s Raiding Communities?

    Legacy thirty (NA guild) has a EU section/category for EU players with an EU officer who does raiding for the EU players!
  14. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    V2 of my class & theorycrafting document has been released! V2 Patch Notes: Filled in Data for all class specalizations (36 Total) Reworked the design of the document to look more visually pleasing and be more easier to navigate Organised theorycrafting data into appropriate sections Revised...
  15. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    the maximum ilvl at level 30 is 115, i've verified this through extensive testing
  16. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    Greetings everyone, I frequently receive inquiries regarding level 30 gameplay, spanning from technical and theorycrafting questions to complete class guides. In response, I have initiated the creation of a comprehensive resource, which I refer to as the "Super Document" for level 30. This...
  17. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Warlock Demonology Guide (Patch 10.2.6)

  18. TheDruidMan

    Retail 30s: Armory List

    All Classes-NA-Thrall-Legacy Thirty-(30) DK: Mage1: Mage 2: Shaman...