New profile posts

<Legacy Thirty> Looking for more level 30 twinks to join us in our weekly raids and quarterly dungeon tournements with huge gold prizes!
<Golden Twinkies> We need more 20 twinks! We’ve made lots of new rules for wargames to make them way more competitive and fun! Come join the largest twink guild on retail!
Still kinda funny they plan on allowing us access to the MoP event, if we can make our cape scale as high as we can see on some pictures we'll be broken as hell, even more than on DF. It's not like f2p are already known for being overpowered with appropriate level gear. Maybe there'll be some kind of limitation but I sure do hope there won't be.
I hope you feel better, soon! On the plus side, I just saw the northern lights IRL.
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We just got some gnarly purple and pink ones in Ontario. Never seen those colors before, im from BC and have seen plenty of good sets but nothing like tonight.
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Nice! It was mostly green here, but there was shades of yellow in it.
Got my final TBC Speed item. Only took 570 runs and 11 non-speed procs before the damn boots dropped. I am never entering The Botanica again...
7 months now...
What we counting down for?
Daltert Moropi
Daltert Moropi
the “football ad” of course, it’s not every generation of “football” that has the latest technology to create unique games to spark new enthusiasts to watch it.
kinda worried about this interview I'm doing to find additional housing.
Ya got it mate :)
I've been having a rough time. Budgeting has really taken all of my positivity and friendliness and turned it upside down right on it's head. I'll get back to gearing my pure f2p mage when I feel a little better, and don't want to spend time getting high rating in arenas.
If you're feeling down don't hesitate to ask around, there's only so much a red-capped white goat on the internet can do but hey, always happy to share my excess positivity.
rip exp bug capping flags in 10-14 bracket gave min 10 levels leveled a priest from 14-80 in one bg lmao oh well at least its gone now