Lothar and Durotan Videos, Tweets, Overwatch Comic and Teaser, Mistweaver Preview


Quin's Season 6 Build Guides

Deck Spotlight: Spark's Beast Rattle Hunter, Deck Spotlight: Tempo Dragon Warrior, Unlocking Wild for New Players

Balance Update - Tracer Changes on May 4th, Weekly Sales & Rotation, Monday Melee #28

Overwatch Open Beta Begins! That is, if you have Pre-ordered

Warcraft Movie - Lothar Character Video
Legendary released a Lothar focused movie clip that has a few new scenes.

Warcraft Movie - Durotan Character Video
There was also a Durotan focused video!

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Mobs Level Scaling

This is actually intended; we've done some work behind the scenes to make it so mobs don't instantly level and get harder when you ding. The idea being that when you ding from 104 to 105, you haven't had a chance to get 105 gear yet, so you're wearing 104 gear and now creatures have more health and do more damage.

That's very wise. Addresses that concern quite well. how much does it lag behind though? If you gain 2 levels in a short period of time will mobs linger 2 levels behind or will the difference never exceed 1?
I believe it's somewhere around 50% - and then it'll trigger when you complete a quest, hit a loading screen, or log out. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Artifact Relics in PvP
We are considering disabling relics in PvP instances (battlegrounds, skirmishes, arenas, and rated battlegrounds) due to way gear is handled in PvP in Legion. Item level will not have as much impact in PvP which throws off the balance of relic itemization. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Re WoW/RPGs, do you think race/class limits provide better lore than any conceivable combo and justifying lore to go w/ it?
If I understand the question, I always felt held hostage to making races essentially cosmetic. (OccupyGStreet)
That includes concerns for power (racial bonuses), player agency (I want to be a gnome paladin), or lore. (OccupyGStreet)

Overwatch - Reinhardt Comic
An Overwatch comic featuring Reinhardt has been released.

Overwatch Cinematic Teaser
Overwatch Beta is live once again if you have pre-ordered and later this week for everyone else. Overpwn has all of the details.

Final Boss - Mistweaver Monk Spec Preview
Final Boss is back with a second round of spec previews.

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