You BEGGED me to buy you a pet for 100k but sure (P.S. I bought 5 Ethereal Soul Traders just because I can). I took the gold from the bank when you started having a hissy fit because you had previously suggested that we take it and spend it ourselves, despite it being a donation for the bank. If I ever get back into WoW I plan to spend it on the guild.

You lied to me a LOT and then got super aggravated if I even slightly touched on it.

You did not contribute anything, you didn't even having a ducking 10 in the guild, and not even on the same faction. You told me you were transferring for an item but actually that was just another one of your lies. You were "planning" on buying WoW tokens for a couple of months but since you spend all your money on crazy meds and tabards to give you "swag" I guess that was never going to happen.

I'm done with you Dexa, we can keep going on like this but honestly you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
When i literally joked you about the pet and LITERALLY. SERIOUSLY. Said ''Lol jk, dont.'' every time because i dont care, maybe i've asked to borrow it for the set or w/e, i've suggested to spend the gold between ourselves because we both went unactive and we gave up, i did not care if you touched it, and after awhile when i got back with motivation you started ignoring me, so i never got to say i could ACTUALLY be moving tokens here etc etc, but you were unmotivated so i ignored it.

I went online to check for any recruitments and actually had a 10 monk Xujan or something, and the gold was fucking gone.

Then i spent money on myself because who the fuck cares now? So instead i'm spending the ''saved'' up money to Transfer to another guild this month.

TLDR; I was always a fucking nice guy to you, until you started being disrespectful against me.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”

“I have decided to stick to love...Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

“In time we hate that which we often fear.”

“Hate hurts the hater more'n the hated.”

“Animals don't hate, and we're supposed to be better than them.”

“Hate is a lack of imagination.”

“Those people, who hate you, envy your freedom.”

"Hit em with the flex"
They hate me because they can't be me, i'm probably be more succesful than any of these retards.
You BEGGED me to buy you a pet for 100k but sure (P.S. I bought 5 Ethereal Soul Traders just because I can). I took the gold from the bank when you started having a hissy fit because you had previously suggested that we take it and spend it ourselves, despite it being a donation for the bank. If I ever get back into WoW I plan to spend it on the guild.

You lied to me a LOT and then got super aggravated if I even slightly touched on it.

You did not contribute anything, you didn't even having a ducking 10 in the guild, and not even on the same faction. You told me you were transferring for an item but actually that was just another one of your lies. You were "planning" on buying WoW tokens for a couple of months but since you spend all your money on crazy meds and tabards to give you "swag" I guess that was never going to happen.

I'm done with you Dexa, we can keep going on like this but honestly you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
And yes i've had medicin because i've a sort of Chronic cold, cba to explain because i'd write you another essay for you to downgrade ;)
I remember when i was the most hated Twink because of my ego.

Glad to see that i have long been replaced.
You guys should really go masturbate or snort coke.
i care

said no one ever
Seriously, you guys need to smoke a joint, get a blowjob, or inject cocaine into your balls.

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