EU+US Best races for PvP?


For both factions? What do you guys think?
depends what u playing, like Boomkin, I play Troll over anything, any day.. the Nelf racials are nice.. but troll caster is just superb in my opinion.. Tauren is my personal fav when playing healer, cus' of selfpeels... But Naturally Human/belf
You guys are overrating human racial in this bracket. The human racial only helps with stuns, and resets a GCD of 30 seconds on your trinket.

The gnome racial gets you out of snares which are far more prevalent, only has 1 minute CD, doesn't trigger a trinket GCD (meaning you can use them back to back), gnomes get a slight additional Mana or energy pool, and gnomish engineering bonus allows you to wear ilvl48 trinkets instead of the ilvl42 for those who don't have AGM or fishing angler.

And they can hide in bushes.
yeah gnome > human racial, at 19 at least....i find the logic or lack of it when deciding what does and doesnt proc the 30second cd on ally trinket. Like the previous person stated there are way more examples of relevant snares (including frost nova) that escape artist will rid you of then stuns ( shot?...cant think of another) and you can use it back to back.....a must at least for melee imo

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