EU+US 101 Arms Warrior Question


So.. I still have the 101 Hpally, but never did anything with it. Instead I decided to take my Arms Warrior to 101 and work on that. I have gotten quite lucky with some of my gear, but it still needs work. I'm currently sitting at 810 iLvL, and still working on finishing Stormheim to get my pillar legs. A lot of people told me I should have went Fury, but I wanted to play something I would enjoy and, well, I just prefer arms. So far I'm really liking it. My 104% Mastery makes Colossus Smash hit really hard, and the armor reduction is quite useful in wPvP. My question is, where should I go with the character from here? What changes, if any, should I make to it? I'm still new to this bracket and I'm not really familiar with any of the hard/soft caps (or what those terms even mean, for that matter). So what stat percentages should I be aiming for, and what changes or improvements should I make to reach them? There is a link to my 101's armory profile in my signature, if anyone with knowledge on this matter would be willing to check me out and give me some useful advice, I'd really appreciate it.

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