
  1. LeetMeep

    US <Aspire> On Kurinnaxx! The Only Alliance Twink Guild On The Server

    I've really been procrastinating making this post for some time but ALL of us in <Aspire> just wanted to say HELLO to all the other 19 twink guilds and let you all know we are out here too! If you happen to be on Kurinnaxx here are some reasons to join <Aspire> We've got over 60+ built 19...
  2. US PROJECT: - We The 29's - *fist bump*

    It's very clear horde have the upper hand of elite players and long time ride or die twinks. Let's not bullshit ourselves either, people follow the hype, with anything. Which in turns leaves people flowing to the horde side for near insta wins and ever so lovely GY camping. When I queue up...