Search results

  1. No more arena-teams in 5.4

    Probably most of you have already read these patchnotes, but for those who haven't: this seems a major change for our bracket as well. Redesigned Arena System Players no longer need to create or join an Arena team to compete. Similar to the Rated Battleground system, players in a party of the...
  2. "Sorry, but what is 'fotm'?"

    Well, I suppose thís is. At least queues have become better again :-)
  3. Wintrading and it's countereffect

    First of all: don't get me wrong, this isn't a personal attack to anyone who got some achievements lately by wintrading. I think it sad, but that has nothing to do with this post. I'd like to go beyond that point and want to discuss it's effect. I'm not interested in a Sparklystars versus...
  4. Selling a Shadowfang (EU)

    I got a Shadowfang on Neptulon (A) for sale. Either PM me here or send a message to Jopíe (my casual main) on Neptulon. Bye!
  5. Where do we go now?

    Despite I kept telling myself the current situation of the 19-scene is partial standard, as it's always had it's ups and downs, I'm really wondering at what point we are now. Last year the number one promotial website for this scene (BGforums, later on ThePwnDepot) closed for good and now...
  6. My account actually there for the grabs. Situation: I am done with the game. Played it, enjoyed it, hated it, loved it. The last year I've played it less and less and since last november I kinda gave up on it. I come from a server and battlegroup (Reckoning) which had it's primetime in 2007/08...
  7. EU WTT My Flag of Ownership-card for a Shadowfang

    WTT My Flag of Ownership-card for a Shadowfang Got an awesome Flag of Ownership over here, unused. It's very rare. Therefor I'd like to trade it for a Shadowfang. The Flag of Ownership PM me. Might consider other bids.
  8. EU WTS Chan's Imperial Robes

    WTS Chan's Imperial Robes I'd like to sell a Chan's Imperial Robes Whisper Tasyá on Talnivarr (horde, EU) or send a pm here. Thank you.
  9. WTS A couple of 19's.

    I've decided to quit and have no interest in playing this game in the future. My account households some fully twinked 19's. - Natasya A 19 hunter with all the best gear possible for a 19 hunter. (4x Fishing Hat + boots, AGM, several weapons, WSG exalted, 2x battle standard etc.)...
  10. Salute, Nat Pagle's.

    Level 35 says 'Hi'. Another nerf for the 19-scene, as these boots are now unavailable on PTR ('Item requires level 35'). So, after Leg-armors, Librams, enchants and professions, Blizzard is now touching the Fishing-gear as well. 19's will be.... just 19's. If these changes are coming...
  11. WTS Several 19 stuff

    Talnivarr EU: - Assassin's Blade - Meadow Ring of Eluding - Meadow Ring of Agility (5) - Wrangler Wristbands of Stamina (5) - Wrangler Wristbands of the Monkey (3/3) - Grunt Shield of Blocking (4 Strength) And lot's more.