Search results

  1. KainUFC

    Marks of Honor?

    Is there a good way to grind these on a locked 50 or do you just need to hope for random drops from BGs? Thanks.
  2. KainUFC

    Subscription Ending Checklist

    Hey guys, I am new to the Shadowlands meta. Wondering if you can point me to threads, links or tips about what I should do for my toons before my sub runs out on my main account. Are there ways I can unlock dungeon access, or gear stuff, etc. Thanks.
  3. KainUFC

    EU+US What are the good zones for quest epics?

    I've seen people say "just do the good zones/quests" for epics. Would that be like Hillsbrad/Stonetalon?
  4. KainUFC

    Refresh my Memory Re: Dungeon Gear Farming

    Hey guys, so it's been quite a long time since XP locking. My memory is foggy about techniques of farming dungeon gear. How do people go about farming for instance gear? Do you still get XP if you are dead? Can you still roll on loot if you are dead/outside the instance not getting XP from...
  5. KainUFC

    Sell Me on a Bracket

    Willing to go to any bracket. Horde or Ally. Where do queues pop, where is there decent faction balance, where is there decent class balance. Thank you.
  6. KainUFC

    EU+US Aerie Peak channel, changes, been awhile

    Hey dudes, wanting to come back and play some F2P. I don't have time for the Classic grind but it reignited my desire to run some casual BGs. Wondering if there's still a chat channel on AP horde? Also, what happened with BiS gear? Is it no longer BG crate blues? I looked at some armories and...
  7. KainUFC

    Choosing a bracket!?

    Hey guys I've gotten the older twink fever again and wondering if people can help me in choosing a bracket! I'm looking to do mostly random battleground PvP. In terms of battlegrounds: 65+ get Strand 75+ get IoC, Gilneas, and Twin Peaks 90+ get Mines, Kotmogu, and Gorge
  8. KainUFC

    Do people play 89s?

    Dont really know anything about this bracket, does anybody lock Xp at 89?
  9. KainUFC

    Tell me about 101

    No experience or knowledge about this bracket. Didn't know it existed. Since there's no stickied bracket primer or information that I can see, can you guys help me out with some info... - Why 101? - How long are queue times? - How is class balance? - How is the gearing process? THanks
  10. KainUFC

    Entering mop raids bug fixed?

    Can level 20s of any type still enter MoP raids like siege? Can you get summoned inside by a lock? Has anybody tried this?
  11. KainUFC

    Consensus bis for MW

    All 3 of the MW's listed in the armory section are geared differently. With battleground scaling gear, its hard for me to figure out what is bis. Could we get some discussion in this thread for bis stats for MW? Also curious about stat priority and which draenor enchants people are choosing...
  12. KainUFC

    Can veteran twinks wear 100+ engi goggles?

    Im not clear about how the professions getting locked at 100 once your account becomes veteran thing goes... Are veteran twinks able to continue wearing and using engineering crafted helms after your account goes inactive? Thx for your help guys. Trying to figure out if I can make a gnome...
  13. KainUFC

    Laughing Skull Masks - obtainable?

    Somebody in a closed thread said these were obtainable by "us". But they look like they require rep? Can 20 vets use these or not?
  14. KainUFC

    Aerie Peak is Full

    Position in queue: 1150 Estimated time: 110 minutes
  15. KainUFC

    Team Twinking

    Had an idea, and I was curious whether anybody else had thought of this, or heard of it, or maybe wanted to try it out. I was thinking it would be nice to have a roommate or partner that could grind shit during the times that I couldn't play, etc, to get twice the amount of work done on any...
  16. KainUFC


    I am obsessed with combat animations. At the moment I'm debating the best animations for 2h plate dps i.e. arms warrior. Favs: Male troll - love the way they hold the weapon and the special attack spin is pretty good looking; most races special animations annoy me so this is a big plus. Fem...
  17. KainUFC

    chest enchants

    Are there any classes / specs for which you would not use 14 stam for chest enchant? 100 mana for ret maybe? 11 spirit useful for any classes? 4 all stats for an agi stacking rogue?
  18. KainUFC

    Lvl 1 F2P twinks

    Anybody made lvl 1 F2P twinks? Thinking they could hang out in front of Org and do duels. Maybe do some tabard boxing.
  19. KainUFC

    if you could pick one class to roll with P2P boas/enchants?

    If you could only pick one class to roll and benefit from P2P boas and enchants. with primarily battlegrounds in mind, which would you choose? which benefits the most from the enchants available? which is the most fun to play with overall in BGs in the bracket? is the class also viable/fun in...
  20. KainUFC

    11th Character slot - enh vs r/bal druid

    So we have 12 classes avaiable as F2Ps unless I've missed something: War Hpal Rpal/Prot pal Rogue Enh Sham Ele Sham/Resto Sham Mage Warlock Priest Hunter Feral/Guardian druid Bal/Resto druid That means we'd generally have to pass up 1 of the class combos unless you get fancy with rings and...