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  1. Glasser

    39 Warrior questions

    Hey, I'm in the process of updating my 39 warrior's gear, and I was wondering if someone could toss a link of a (near) perfect armory for Horde - any spec (prot dps, fc, arms - lol)! I was hacked a while back and lost my Revelosh gear + a few other items (grandfathered...
  2. Glasser

    Removal of BG/Arena Healing Debuff?

    Hey Everyone, Can anyone confirm/deny if the current pvp healing debuff is being removed in Cataclysm? I have heard rumors of it being removed, due to it only being intended to balance things during these final few months of WOTLK. My apologies if this has been discussed, but could not...
  3. Glasser

    Mutilate 39

    Hi! Although I've been playing my 39 rogue for years now, the math behind the action certainly does not go well by me... that said: Hypothetically, if a 39 rogue had Mutilate, would Mongoose or +7 Weapon Damage be the better enchant choice? This is assuming the quest reward dagger...
  4. Glasser

    Cata SP Weapon clarification

    Hi, I've heard a rumor that weapons in Cataclysm still have spellpower on them, despite the conversion to intellect. Is this so? Would greatly appreciate knowing whether SoJ will indeed be BiS ! :p