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  1. Estradiol

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Will we have to farm our TBC gear all over again, or can we farm it now and itll be gravy once TWW hits?
  2. Estradiol

    Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    not to mention the DE 1000 items achievement
  3. Estradiol

    Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    I get whats being said, the Kromgar vendor stuff becomes illusion dust and can get you past the 150 that the strange dust cant.
  4. Estradiol

    WoD dungeons are garbage.

    I've noticed the difference in armor on the WF pieces for Guardian Druid are quite substantial, but that obviously doesn't apply to all classes.
  5. Estradiol

    Exile's Reach EXP

    worst case, you can finish exiles reach, then delete the character and make a new one and choose the regular starting zone to get your xp where you want it
  6. Estradiol

    Exile's Reach EXP

    now that i think about it, I think the NPC heals you
  7. Estradiol

    Exile's Reach EXP

    If you are extremely lucky to get a solo queue for citadel, you could aggro one of the ogres and get killed and hopefully the NPCs can kill the ogres, that way the only xp you would get would be the two bosses
  8. Estradiol

    Because I am absolutely terrible at the DMF.

    yeah most of them are easy, like the whack a gnoll and the turtle game, i got lucky with those the tonk game is luck of the spawns it seems
  9. Estradiol

    Because I am absolutely terrible at the DMF.

    Are there any addons other than DBM that help get the achievements for the DMF? Like I really struggle with the racing ones. Would be amazing if there were an addon that showed a path on the screen for those and the flying one.
  10. Estradiol

    Garrison Followers

    Sometimes I trade at the trading post for skills im still leveling, mainly cooking.
  11. Estradiol

    Garrison Followers

    Do you use trait/ability changers on yours to fill the gaps or do you just roll with what you have? Debating on whether to spend the thousands of excess garrison resources to retrain a couple.
  12. Estradiol

    10.2.6 Twink Changes

    Any way you can add stam chants to the ones you are testing, that would be amazesauce <3
  13. Estradiol

    10.2.6 Twink Changes

    or lucky enough to get a 3 proc belt?
  14. Estradiol

    10.2.6 Twink Changes

    anyone check to see if F2P can access cata gems? that would be an awesome change
  15. Estradiol

    Enchanting fixed

    i just tried a SL chant, they still require level 50 even though it says "no item below level 10"
  16. Estradiol

    Looks like enchants are back on the menu.

    Looks like enchants are back on the menu.
  17. Estradiol

    Enchanting fixed

    seems so
  18. Estradiol

    I need someone good with math (because I'm not)

    When I say BiS I guess I mean for me. I dont have the patience to get speed on everything. Since I am only going to pvp long enough to get achievements I feel it isnt "as" important, my real goal is 5k hp in bear form (seems silly but I think it would be cool).
  19. Estradiol

    I need someone good with math (because I'm not)

    Yes, thankfully Im going for agi, I lack the necessary skills to be a healer and balance doesnt really appeal to me. Guess Im just a one trick pony, ive been a tank in some fashion since vanilla.
  20. Estradiol

    I need someone good with math (because I'm not)

    Do we even need a lot of speed as druids? Since we have cat form/dash and travel form? I havent been prioritizing it (but havent sharded any either)