Search results

  1. Best healing class in the bracket?

    Hey, I'll see you out there! It's always an easy game when you godx up those healing slots. ;)
  2. EU+US Post your character stat distributions!

    huh I guess your gear is okay. weird flex though for sure
  3. Best healing class in the bracket?

    Yeah I tend to go turbodeserter. Its the classy way of doing it. I mean who are you if you dont?
  4. US Queue With This Guy If You Want To Lose.

    RIP Turbotommy His internet must suck after those last two dc's... or whatever those were.
  5. i want a horde healer like alice

    Ya'll shit
  6. WTB Zealot Blade

    Looking for a ilvl 55 Zealot Blade doesn't matter on the server.
  7. US Really good games guys!

    GG alliance on the great games tonight! Had a lot of fun. o7 -KitnMitns: Destiny, Sulthraze, Ramstein Warrior
  8. Farming ilvl 54 greens

    Can you tell that too all of the 54ilvl greens I have had drop? They might have gotten lost or confused.
  9. Farming ilvl 54 greens

    this is not true