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  1. WhyIsDarkDark

    What did you get for Christmas (2018)?

    I got... ALMOND CRACKERS.LIKE WHO GIVES ALMOND CRACKERS AS A PRESENT.It was still good so I'm happy. (They do make a good present)
  2. WhyIsDarkDark

    Class to choose?

    Just make sure you have a ton of Marcos on your hotbar,also make sure that your abilities are binded with toys and commands.Then fill the opening spots with the same macros.Doing this will make any class feel like it takes a lot of skill and you have more than of enough of it.
  3. WhyIsDarkDark

    Guild Wars 2

    Mesmer=Master Race
  4. WhyIsDarkDark

    Craives - Best rogue Eu

  5. WhyIsDarkDark

    Favorite Twink Expansion

    My personal favorite is Cata but I really admire Legion :/ .It could have been a really good twinking expansion if only a few things were different
  6. WhyIsDarkDark

    News Vote for XPOFF's Most Valuable Player!

    @Sun because BIS mace for mage
  7. WhyIsDarkDark

    Searing Blade

    If this was Vanilla I'll buy it right away!!!
  8. WhyIsDarkDark

    WTB Blade of Hanna x2

    :o not one but two lvl 39 Blade of Hanna? Good Luck but don't forget to keep that /cry in your back pocket. /Cheer
  9. WhyIsDarkDark

    What is your favorite WoW race?

    Wrinkly Male Gnomes FUlFill mY daRKeSt deSires
  10. WhyIsDarkDark

    Stream help (rogue energy) sponsor

    Rouge* Energy is for the real pros
  11. WhyIsDarkDark

    Going to see a Fellow Twink IRL!

    XD aren't schools now teaching kids not to do this?
  12. WhyIsDarkDark

    39 Twink Paladin

    /clapatvideo /cryatthatmog Reminds me of the pallies in Wailing Caverns and Black Fathom Deeps rolling need jkjkjkjkjkjkjk
  13. WhyIsDarkDark

    EU+US Project 60 on Icecrown Warmane?

    Would be nice but it won't be big enough to really "feel" it D;
  14. WhyIsDarkDark

    Will you play BFA or Vanilla or both.. poll

    I would like to play Vanilla but I'm afraid of being seen with a shit bucket... Jk Jk. Vanilla 100%
  15. WhyIsDarkDark

    I wonder where is Kaolyn????!!! and FrogTrutle D:

    I wonder where is Kaolyn????!!! and FrogTrutle D:
  16. WhyIsDarkDark

    Leveling a mage ?

    I know you can't,but I really want that axe to be a hammer or a pickaxe......
  17. WhyIsDarkDark

    EU+US Any zones worth clearing for xmog/toys/ect?

    Unique?mmmm I alway like farming the zombies in DuskWood GY because they have pretty nice random drops.They aren't really "Unique" but they're still pretty good. I got Buccaneer's vest there (once).
  18. WhyIsDarkDark

    Classic Launches summer 2019 (Official)

    Not going to be playing unless they rework Azerite Armor in Vanilla WoW.Also I would like them to add Warmode in Vanilla
  19. WhyIsDarkDark

    Rip Warsong gulch, Time for new jumps

    Jumps have always been a hit or miss for me :/ Looking forward to this new update
  20. WhyIsDarkDark

    The Ultimate Flex Thread

    :O Looks really nice but I awkwardly can't read the names..