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  1. Best 110 Twink Class?

    Disc priest is pretty OP twinked at 110
  2. EU+US Timewalking @ 110

    Damn, thats annoying. I wonder if the non-timwalking quests will stay though... like the mythic dungeons from last week.
  3. War supply chest azerite gear at 110

    They're not worth getting... It's the scales with level version, so ilevel 180 @ level 110 and ilevel 273 @ level 120.
  4. EU+US Timewalking @ 110

    What level were you at when you were able to get the weekly quest for the chest? I can't pick it up at 110, neither at the Legion nor BFA NPC...
  5. WQ for lvl 110-119

    I can confirm this shows up on a 110, in case anyone wasn't sure. Also got a 700AP quest item:
  6. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    Yes, calling people names really helps convince people of the validity of your arguments.... /s Here's the thing... the AGM was designed as level 60ish loot (basically the same ilevel), the fact that the loophole you used to get it had to do with Blizzard forgetting to put a level check on the...
  7. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    Taking advantage of Blizzard's mistakes and using the resulting loopholes to get gear isn't exploiting... unless this is some new SJW-type shit, it's been a major component of twinking since the beginning. For example... It's strange how in the 100-109 bracket getting the 810 or 910 relics...
  8. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    Since it's been fixed... neither.
  9. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    As far as I know getting 340s on 110s is fixed. Blizzard (and most other game companies) reserve the right to ban you for any reason... you basically have no rights. In this case, while I agree with you in that it's an error Blizzard made that allowed it to be possible in the first place...
  10. 110s weekly mythic quest

    117 can't get the quest, so I'd assume 111 can't either.
  11. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    Disappointing... half of twinking is figuring out ways to become more powerful that Blizzard didn't think about and then getting them... and you want to report people for doing that? The 810s/910s were a similiar situation in Legion, yet no one talked about reporting people with them or talking...
  12. i280 items (all slots) from War Supply Chests?

    The War supply chest drops scale with your level, I posted a couple of examples in a previous thread.
  13. EU+US 110 Twinks Looking Really Good

    Nvm, doesn't look like 110s can get into the "warfront" version of Arathi, even by flying there manually.
  14. US 110's nerf

    How knowledgeable are these people? What makes them think there's going to be more nerfs or you think they know what they're talking about? The PvP scaling hotfix already went live (, and for PvE it doesn't really look like they...
  15. 111 Twinks?

    Just got another Dread Aspirant (cloth wrists) from another supply drop... at L115, ilevel 245. They can upgrade though (so far I've gotten a socket and indestructible lol) so I'd imagine they can warforge/titanforge. It looks like you can get a 295 (300 with neck high enough) at level 110...
  16. 111 Twinks?

    I got a Dread Aspirant's Wand (w/ socket) from a supply drop at L114. It's item level 238, so it's a scaling item.
  17. US LF 810 or 910+ shadow relic! Seventhos-Bleeding Hollow

    Are 910s still dropping? I thought they were a brief bug...
  18. EU+US 91 Rogue w/ Legendary vs 91 Hunter without

    So, I have a ton of 99s, but I was considering creating a 91... Only thing is, I only have two possibilities without leveling a new character (which, due to recent XP nerfs, I don't want to touch with a 9001 foot pole): 1.) Rogue with MoP legendary cloak/gem (also eye, but worthless with other...
  19. EU+US 409 Int Trinket VS 359 Str+Mastery Trinket

    I feel like I'm arguing with a brick wall. Of course it doesn't hold true for all twinks, only twinks that have significantly higher ilevel than their clevel bracket expects... which the formula clearly states. I only brought up 78-79 as an example of the formula, and I clearly said it was...
  20. EU+US 409 Int Trinket VS 359 Str+Mastery Trinket

    Not incorrect, unless you have a Blizzard source to contradict their previous statements and my testing? My 78 was an example, the same holds true for a L80 twink (which actually got at least one upgrade option since 7.3.5, the 440 pants)... which you'd know, if you looked at the formulas I...