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  1. Herbie

    Trying to decide if I should end my twink

    So I have a lovely 119 moonkin twink that I was lucky enough to get some anniversary gear on. Some of you know me and have run into me in BG's and I have had a lot of fun but lately I just haven't been playing this character and I am wondering if I should just take the plunge and move him onto...
  2. Herbie

    Did you all que together?

    Bloody alliance tards was your whole team twinks? Great game though
  3. Herbie

    Marks of Honor

    Out of curiosity, what are you all spending marks of honor on? I have been buying older gear sets and weapons, but that's just for the sake of buying them not because I actually like them or want them.
  4. Herbie

    Which would be faster?

    I already know the benefits of a 110 vs a 111 however what I do not know is which lvl does an island run faster solo and is it really that much of a difference? I suppose there would be 3 catagories when we should consider average run times: Average geared 110 Full mythic Ant geared 110...
  5. Herbie

    110 Twink guidance

    Hello all, I haven’t been around these parts for some time and I’m here today seeking guidance. I have tried to look this up but couldn’t find a specific answer so I’m hoping you can help. I’m pretty time poor ish and can’t invest in more than - think at the moment and I’m really not enjoying...
  6. Herbie

    US Hit rate

    So I have both a fury warrior twink and I am working on a boomy twink. What the hell is with hit rating against higher level mobs between a melee and a caster. Melee seems to do just fine whereas the boomy seems to miss a lot more. This became really noticeable doing to world bosses each...
  7. Herbie

    US Empowered Ring of the Kirin Tor

    I am wondering if I should buy this ring. They stats are nice but no chance for socket or leech make it a troublesome choice. Not to mention the bloody price tag! For the price I could get a few other nice pieces. What's the general consensus on this ring, worth it or not?
  8. Herbie

    EU+US Blood of sargaras

    So I have recently gone on a farming bender and as I have the blood hunter shoulder enchant I am getting consistent bloods. In the last two days I have built a little collection and I now have around 140 of them and I am wondering what to do with them. I can go to the vendor and trade for mats...
  9. Herbie

    US Boomy

    Hopefully a nice simple request Does anyone have a link to the idea artifact path and talent setup to take for a boomkin?
  10. Herbie

    US Fury Warrior

    I have been searching high and low to find this out and couldn't so have resorted to making this post. Essentially is it worth continuing to twink my 101 fury warrior or start over with something else. Are they powerful at 101? I know druids, shaman and hunter are probably stronger but at...