Search results

  1. Biggest bracket on EU atm? (Returning player)

    I want to make a new twink on the biggest EU-bracket. From what I've seen so far it's the 19's on Stormscale Horde. Any tips?
  2. Double Feral strongest comp in 2's?

    So me and a friend (He was F2P Feral and me P2P Arms Warrior) did maybe 25-30 skrims last night and went on a huge winning streak. We beat every single comp we faced EXCEPT Double Feral wich we faced twice. Their opener is ridicolous and if they get the 1,5k ferocious bite crit you're basically...
  3. 29 Arms Warrior Currently farming for AGM to replace the Rune of Duty
  4. [POLL] Best Race for a Warrior -ALLIANCE-

    So I'm going to faction change in order to get optimal gear on my Warrior and I can't really decide what race to go for since all of them has their benefits. Please vote :)
  5. The best DPS for PvP?

    So basically i made a Fire Mage and got all the BiS gear and enchants, and even though i always end up top 5 damage I can't really burst unless I get really lucky. So I'm wondering: What is the best DPS/Burst spec in the 29 bracket?