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  1. #Idiote

    muskie's Email Hacked

    I'm sorry, don't have an email link because frankly I didn't want it saved on my computer. But muskie is a flaming homo. Just saw his email. He's into big black dicks. Guy's a big homo, but tries to play it off like he's some cool funny pot guy who fucks a lot of girls. It's not true. He...
  2. #Idiote

    Happy Martin Luther King Day!

    Happy MLK Day, my 19 family! USA! USA! USA! Trendy
  3. #Idiote

    When He Hits Them, They Crumble

  4. #Idiote

    PSA: Stop Making Lame Click Bait Threads No 1 Laughs @

    Reason for the US prefix is that it's mostly coming from US players. As a fellow US player, to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. You US players are sullying our name over some horseshit posting. Use your fucking head for something other than a coat rack for once in your...
  5. #Idiote

    Tonight on #Discrimination

    Conq, you delete my shit thread but not this shit thread: Are you in cahoots with Ciren? Anyway, I doubt you want a Mizzou Concerned Student 1950 on your hands. I expect you'll make the right decision.
  6. #Idiote

    mention conq while he sleeps thread

    It was a cold November morning. I woke up, and saw Conq staring at me with his crazy bloodshot eyes. Conq tried to make a move on me the night before, but I thought he was just being silly and drunk so I paid no mind. But still, the thought was there, "Is Conq into dudes?". Anyway, I made...
  7. #Idiote

    Come Strapped or Get Clapped

  8. #Idiote

    Sodapoppin Featured on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast

    "Fear Factor! That's where I know him from." first start talking about him (39:00): they come back to him @ around 41:16:
  9. #Idiote

    Official 3v3 Community Thread

    Official Skirmish Lounge Thread I can usually field a 3s team whenever most people get home from school/work, til the late evening hours. Post your btags in here if you can field a team. We're just trying to have fun and somewhat competitive games. Keep the trash talk to a minimum. Serious...
  10. #Idiote

    someone with the resources plz make a bis enchants list

    thanks, all of us :)
  11. #Idiote

    *New Eminem Leaked Today*: The Monster ft. Rihanna - 12. The Monster (ft. Rihanna).mp3 Thought it was okay and should chart well + plenty of radio play.