Recent content by Natasya

  1. EU The 19's Directory - 19 Disc gf'd priest - 19 Ret gf'd paladin 19 Gf'd hunter
  2. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Heya, Anyone would like to queue up sometimes with a rusty oldschooler? Roshanne#2122
  3. R.I.P Rngmonsterx

    Cya mate. Was fun. Hope you enjoy whatever you gonna do next. On a sidenote: I'm quitting the game as well. At least for a while. Bye!
  4. 70 Twink Tournamnet with a prize!!

    So? You linked some dead guilds? Sophisme hasn't have more than 2 people online for months. I know this, as I was one of the 2. Gallium Lore went inactive as well - ask their guildleader - and I don't even know that other guild. You actually even play this bracket, or you just being a volunteer...
  5. 70 Twink Tournamnet with a prize!!

    64? Thats 128 players. To be honest I doubt this bracket even counts 100 players. This is never gonna work.
  6. Meat 4

    Keep it up Meat. We've never really spoken but I admire your strife for perfection when it comes to playing gimp classes like warlock, monk and hunter back in the days. Good job, good vid.
  7. Vemx II

    I liked most of it, but as I said to Rngmonsterx, from time to time I'd rather would've seen your partners point of view. Also some clips were a bit short while they could've been a bit longer. I'd advice some more cc-rotation in your next vid, like f.e. the mindcontrol in ring of frost (nice...
  8. Whats the RBG situation?

    They still pop, but only because both teams informed eachother to queue. These days there are groups on Stormscale (Jedi Mind Tricks+friends), Zeh Germans (the ones from SS and Blackrock/Eredar) and Aegwynn.
  9. Prot Specs not able to que Arena in 5.4

    Probably half of the scene can't queue then.
  10. Cyanerd 3

    I just don't understand why people keep going on about the wintrading stuff, especially the people from US. He put up a video of him playing legit games against real opponents and still people whine about his history with wintrading. First of all: half of the bracket did. Secondly: who even...
  11. No more arena-teams in 5.4

    Probably most of you have already read these patchnotes, but for those who haven't: this seems a major change for our bracket as well. Redesigned Arena System Players no longer need to create or join an Arena team to compete. Similar to the Rated Battleground system, players in a party of the...
  12. Tollo's Guide to PvP Rogue in MoP

    Sorry mate, but I don't think this guide helps a lot of people on this forum. I see you put in a lot of effort - thanks for this - but there's a lot questionable about it being good at all. Take for example your adviced gear. I'd choose 4/5 Brutal for the setbonus (130 energy) always over your...
  13. <Legacy> WotLK Raid Progress

    I did it. You get the achievement, but can't use the title.
  14. Show ur Gaming Setup

    Omg. Who's that fabulous rogue on armory!
  15. I have returned.

    A fair break? Your goodbye-drama post was posted about two weeks ago. Two weeks. Not even fourteen days. Ah well, I suppose two weeks is a long period in the world, of Warcraft. Hence why I wish you the best. May the spirits be with you and cause no more drama.