EU+US Roast somebody

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Murca? Some unknown Murloc country?

Jokes aside, I suggest a one year hiatus to any western/nothern european country, and come back to us :) You'll see how broken your country actually is

That's pretty arrogant. In Denmark the vast majority speak english, but we are still obliged to learn german, french and spanish in school.

We can too :)

In all seriousness, learning another language has little relevance or usefulness for the vast, vast majority of Americans. It is the third or fourth largest country by area, third largest by population, and practically everyone speaks English, most as a native tongue. Learning Spanish can be useful for people living in some specific geographical areas, but outside of that, foreign languages will go unused by Americans living in America in virtually every case. The situation in Europe is much different with languages covering much smaller areas and a ton of interaction going on between these small countries.
One more thing: I'd much rather be in the news for having Trump as a presidential candidate than for being invaded by millions of third world immigrants with moral values from the 7th century.
School shootings are 21th Century then i suppose. And since it happens in Murica, we can't talk about moral values here.

Riiiiiighht :)

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"21th" this guy
I don't want to bag on a guy for having bad grammar in a non-native language, but combine that with his immaturity and obnoxiousness and his posts are just straight AIDS. I don't even bother with attempting to read his longer posts.
School shootings are 21th Century then i suppose. And since it happens in Murica, we can't talk about moral values here.

Riiiiiighht :)

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School shootings are mainly due to lack of security in most schools, and a target rich environment. The actions of 1-5 individuals can't really reflect the morals of the several thousand inside a building, much less millions across the country.
School shootings are mainly due to lack of security in most schools, and a target rich environment. The actions of 1-5 individuals can't really reflect the morals of the several thousand inside a building, much less millions across the country.
come on... security at a school? :s
come on... security at a school? :s

I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to. Yeah, security at a school. And no, I'm not talking about armed guards or giant laser shooting robots.
I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to. Yeah, security at a school. And no, I'm not talking about armed guards or giant laser shooting robots.
america was a free country but u have security at schools? in swe the security we got is the immigrant janitor who speaks 3 words swe :)
america was a free country but u have security at schools? in swe the security we got is the immigrant janitor who speaks 3 words swe :)

Lol. It seems like you literally don't understand what I'm saying at all.
i mean schoolshootings accur because poor security? its pretty fucked that u need security at a school is what im trying to say
sry for 3rd language spelling

Poor security. Referring to most schools being in the middle of busy areas, with open campuses. The fact anyone can walk on campus at pretty much any point does present a risk for something like a shooting to happen. If you can't understand that logic, I can't really help you.

Then again, there hasn't been a school shooting in nearly 60 years in my part of the country.
Poor security. Referring to most schools being in the middle of busy areas, with open campuses. The fact anyone can walk on campus at pretty much any point does present a risk for something like a shooting to happen. If you can't understand that logic, I can't really help you.

fair point but im pretty sure schools all over the world are in busy areas? in the city i studied the biggest libary in town was at the actual school etc.. not rly a valid point for it to occur imo :)

I think the key part of that is the "in my opinion". The fact it doesn't seem like a valid point to you is fine, and it might not be where you live.

But since you don't live in America, making an assumption on such a thing is a bit silly.
I think the key part of that is the "in my opinion". The fact it doesn't seem like a valid point to you is fine, and it might not be where you live.

But since you don't live in America, making an assumption on such a thing is a bit silly.
what do u mean, assuming that campuses/schools are accessable to puplic? u just said thats a reason for them to occur
what do u mean, assuming that campuses/schools are accessable to puplic? u just said thats a reason for them to occur

Yeah, I did. And in the area of the world you live in, that might not be an issue. Leading to the "in your opinion" part.

In the area of the world I live in, the lack of security for schools and other public places is an issue. Now, if you believe that's "fucked" or just plain wrong, you're correct. Unfortunately, it's a real issue in certain parts of the U.S.
School shootings are mainly due to lack of security in most schools, and a target rich environment. The actions of 1-5 individuals can't really reflect the morals of the several thousand inside a building, much less millions across the country.

No dude, poor security is in Europe also, we don't see these happen tho.

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No dude, poor security is in Europe also, we don't see these happen tho.

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See the post right above yours.

In regards to things like that happening, they have in the past. Wasn't there a case of a sword attack on a college campus in Sweden last year? I'd rate that as a good bit more of a thing to poke fun at than a shooting.
See the post right above yours.

In regards to things like that happening, they have in the past. Wasn't there a case of a sword attack on a college campus in Sweden last year? I'd rate that as a good bit more of a thing to poke fun at than a shooting.
true first serious school idk crime? w/e its called in sweden for 60+ years or so
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