HoneyBadger's Haikus

Late at night figure we could use a fun thread. Something between Ques. A Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.

Some Examples:

Alterac Valley
Watching Ally play like Morons
Please Please learn to play

Im a feral cat
Claws take my foes, teeth taste flesh
Please rub my tummy
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EFC is fast
Though not fast enough for me
I'll return our flag
Frost forms on their metal beaks
Gnomeregan can wait
Here, players may quest
In which Shadowfang is kept
What place does thou guess?

What if Sanic was not kill?
Mom, get the camera

Edit: after obsessive research, I've come to the conclusion that "camera" is pronounced with only 2 syllables.
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lol gtfo
wtf srsly?
stfu noob
Queuing Warsong Gulch
I'm a scumbag Shadow Priest
I am cancer lol
Many twenty-nines
Make WoW not much fun at all
Where are the close games?

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