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Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

Anyone know how to link people into a post, so it sends them a notification? (i want him to read it)
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Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

Edit: nvm
Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

dont delete your toon, pug with it, if you delete it you truley wasted all that time and effort you put in, just because 1 person ruined your fun dont let it get you down, sure roll on a new server, but keep the toon, its always nice to have a quiet server to play on alone for when you dont feel like dealing with people, and while the big servers are great there is equal fun in playing by yourself or with only 1-2 other people, take me as an example, I have only ever done 1 large premade, other than that just 2 mans, I pugg 80% or so of my games, and 2 man 19.999999% of the rest, it is just as fun as premadeing, im speaking for my horde toons on WIssperwind, not my whole account, i have done quite a few premades, on my other toons, so dont think this is a 1 sided argument, in fact i almost perfer to pug, cause it shows you what yyou can really do, so just keep the toon you put so much work into it, dont let 1 worthless person ruin all of your fun with your new mage. It is better geared than any toon I have ever made it would be a shame to see it scraped cause of 1 bad experiance.
Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

My dreams have been crushed so many times and i'm talking about IRL, Get over it kid it's a game.
Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

My dreams have been crushed so many times and i'm talking about IRL, Get over it kid it's a game.

I know it's just a game, I'm over it already, just want people to know the situation with Stavie and the Pre-made. I have had a lot of real life drama but I don't post it on the internet. Posting about WoW on a WoW orientated website is logical and justified.
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Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

oO Why? I deleted some toons as well, but it was your only one right?

I wanted 100% commitment to the new toon so I deleted 7 loomed chars. Including my hunter from back in Cata. (was huntard noob back then) Druid, Preist, another Mage, 2 Rogues. Deleted them all, several burgy blackheart's handsome hat's and silvermoon city raid achievement.
Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

look if you dont want the new toon, you can always petition a gm to restore your old toons and go back to them,
Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

moral of the story dont spend so much time on wow ;), also dont take it so serious, also dont egt your hopes up over wow it should not be that important, also dont set a char up purely for premades..... i could carry on :p im not trolling you or anything just seriosuly think you need to sort the issue out lol.
Re: 'Laughing Skull Pre-made' - Closed

nice and good people are fragile more often, than bad and thick-skinned ones
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