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<Golden Twinkies> Recruiting 20 twink pvpers for wargames. Join the largest twink guild in the world. Here's our new Spectator vod
Bought 1 month of sub time to join a guild and buy a token. Will sit at level 20 though with exp off because I want to ultimately be f2p.

What are some things I MUST buy in the 1month time-frame I have without restrictions and AH access?
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  • plan ahead, if you wanna make a new char in the future, create a lvl 1 and buy stuff for it too (for example lifestealing wep ench for lvl 10 monk twink)
I plan on reaching level 20 and then freezing my EXP. I'm just curious what kinds of things a F2P character would want or yearn to have if given temporary / sporadic access to the AH or P2P stuff?
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Remember to turn your XP back ON before your sub expire -- you will be capped at level 20 anyways after your sub lapses an this will allow you to queue for BGs.
Off to work to be an adult, haha!
;~; (don't want to adult today)
Remaking a blog I use to have many eons ago whilst being on this site. Will be nice to have a second hobby next to f2p / end-game.